Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gravitas Ipatas

Subject: Re: Ipatas donates to his church!!! Irelya Village, Wabag.

Sari Songster (Gravitas Ipatas)
[ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Date Posted: Sat, Aug 30 2008, 09:19:41pm
In reply to: wwest 's message, "Re: Ipatas donates to his church!!! Irelya Village, Wabag." on Thu, Aug 28 2008, 05:53:02pm

When Ipatas was a boy
and his dinger was his toy
he thought that life was joy
if his smile was smarmy and coy

As he grew to manhood
and diwai grew to wood
our little Pete
on grubby feet
knew his fate was perceived as good

From Mayor to Governor
from Malya to Green House
our Ipatas changed his game
no longer the same
Our Pete developed his fame

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dr Gerr Bells and Bob Marley

Bob Marley was my lover. That was before he died. I have had a thing for corpses but Bob was not the prettiest corpse in the graveyard. I learned my stuff from my grand father. He had many lovers. They were, so to speak, a bit reserved about displaying their affection for Grandfather Gerr Bells. After all, they knew where they were going and, as with many of their comrades, did just about anything to stay out of the kitchen. The ovens became too hot and they didn't want to spoil their looks. So like it or not they became lovers of my grand father.
Jealousy is a curse and so many of Grandfather Gerr Bells' lovers became subjected to taunts. Now in my mind there is nothing so low as a taunt. They may pack you off to Bergen Belsen or they may make you eat cake but to taunt you for enjoying the flesh just before you are dragged screaming into the kitchens is tantamount to voting for The Chief. And that is a nasty thing to do.
So! This ay yer animal Bob Marley did something that not one of us would contemplate and that was to contemplate. He was told to do it. This big woman with wide hips and a furry moustache shouted from the kitchen door: "Hey you! Dr Gerr Bells told you to count them plates. Now do as you're told!'
So Bob Marley set about to contemplate.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

John Howard destroyed my Australia

Howard destroyed my Australia; made it mean. No, he didn't make it mean; he allowed its inherent meanness to stride the social stage like some arrogant nobody wanting to kick others while they were down.
This mean Australia took Koori kids from their communities and in their precious meanness pretended they were working for Christian values.
Howard played upon this mean streak and made it a pervasive character of Australia.
Howard belonged to a group of arrogant people who lied to their fellow citizens to justify Vietnam War participation and to invade Iraq on an equally vicious fabrication called WMD.
Howard made refugees out to be criminals. It was Howard who defameed Dr Haneef and allowed Ruddock to persecute Ms Rau and others and to lock them up as if they were murderers.
Howard did nothing for the economy of ethics and morality; all he did was to provide a clear parade for the Kerry Packers and other rich nobodies.
This so-called legacy of John Howard was to foster the betrayal of Australia and to ennoble denial as a code of honour.
For this people paid with their principles.

Sydney Morning Herald
Aug 20, 2008


David West MBBS is a medical practitioner in Casino northern NSW and who calls himself a surgeon. He is a butcher.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jacqui Lawrence Olympic Champion

We are so proud of our friend Jacqui. Our kids went to school with her and we knew then that she and her sisters were champs. We are all into the white water sport up here and the kayak stands tall among our great football symbols and our Aboriginal heritage. We live in the greatest part of Oz and Jacqui has shown that even the most ordinary of people can be champions.
Even her Dad, Laurie Lawrence, not to be confused with that great Queenslander, is an inspiration to many hundreds of schoolkids who attend and graduate from Bonalbo school.
With a spade and a bit of grit we can move the world.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sir Albert Kipalan RIP

[ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Date Posted: Wed, Aug 06 2008, 05:52:44am
In reply to: . 's message, "Be real Engan, the next." on Tue, Aug 05 2008, 01:55:06pm

Sir Albert Kipalan
Trail blazer

Albert Kipalan was my friend
He and Leoas opened our eyes
to the potential of Enga and us Engans

In 1978 when Ipatas was a teenager on the make
and Don Kapi and Leoas Kipalan became our provincial
leaders, Albert was thinking and acting with a wider vision, taking in all of our country as his purview.

Sometimes he would cross the Wara Lai
and sit with us at Sari
and then we knew how truly big was his mind
his outlook
his vision
he saw more than we did
he had bigger eyes
and a bigger heart

He took Enga to Waigani
and made us proud
now he's in heaven
with our God

We will miss Sir Albert
He was unique
uniquely Engan


Monday, August 4, 2008


Add star

help. news @ news. com. au

5 August 2008 08:45
To: "engaexperience @ gmail. com"
Your comment has been published:

Wa ash a'du ana ... what on earth is the matter with us Australians? Have we gone stark raving mad? What is wrong with Muslims having their rights as Australians [and as people of religion] supported by the rest of us? This religio vigilantio episode makes me puke. As a Catholic I went all this nonsense during the forties and fifties when only Protestants were allowed to bark at the moon.
Wake up Australia. The Dark Ages are over.

To view your comment online go to:,,24127955-5001021,00.html

Please note the Editor may have slightly edited your comment to be suitable for publishing.

Muslims are people too

Wa ash a'du anna ... what on earth is the matter with us Australians? Have we gone stark raving mad? What is wrong with Muslims having their rights as Australians [and as people of religion] supported by the rest of us? This religio vigilantio episode makes me puke. As a Catholic I went all this nonsense during the forties and fifties when only Protestants were allowed to bark at the moon.
Wake up Australia. The Dark Ages are over.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tourism in Enga Papua New Guinea

Sari Songster (Tra lala)
[ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ]
Date Posted: Sun, Aug 03 2008, 07:08:45am
In reply to: Eagles Eyes 's message, "For the web admin" on Sat, Aug 02 2008, 10:50:27pm

Six years ago
I tried to go
to see Ipatas
with gravitas
to obtain our governor's grace
in setting up a place
that would be the base
for Enga Tourisn

Our dear Uncle Peter
with his eye on his political meter
declined our earnest offer
without a coin from his coffer

So dear Larsen
if you don't mind the passin'
of the hat
we can all contribute to that
which benefits our Enga

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sari in Enga

What has Sari to offer
the hungry tourist
what has Sari to offer
the inquisitive traveller?

Do you not know
how Sari doth glow
in the twilight
of our dreams?

'Neath orchid lodge
and Ladamada
home of the Piao and Kala
home for the weary dodge

Where on earth is such serenity
that masks the land
for eternity
that happy brand
of pseudo modernity

Why Sari of course
Enga's Bourse
that we all endorse
with all our force

Home of the Brave