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How about shutting them up during the game? All this shouting ... they are not coaches. Why should the spectators be subjected to all their noise? If a player transgresses then penalise him. We, the public, do not need to hear referees shouting instructions throughout the entire game. It is needless. It is silly. It is offensive. It is environmentally ludicrous! It is tiresome. It makes it difficult for many of us to watch the game as all we hear are the constant irritating noises from referees.To view your comment online go to:,,24642529-5001021,00.htmlPlease note the Editor may have slightly edited your comment to be suitable for publishing.
Kevin Rudd’s position vis a vis GW Bush and the G20 episode is a ‘so what?’ something, Malcolm. I don’t think any reasonable Australian would be too upset by such a pronouncement. Bush has been the worst thing to happen to the world since ... well, a long time, anyway. Bush has made so many gaffes that one more, even if made public by Rudd and The Australian, would only serve to reinforce public perceptions.
And I also am a bit miffed by the suggestion [made by you on Insiders yesterday] that Telegraph may not be considered erudite enough to be recipients of political handouts.
I hold a PhD and I am an avid reader of the Telegraph, mainly because it allows me a voice via comments such as you provide.