Adrian Caoimh of Tabulam NSW Posted at 7:03 AM Today
Because of Gallop. directly because of gallop, our family, after fifty five years of League support, do not follow League any more. This man has ruined the game. It is a joke. The scrum is a farce. The tackle rule is hopeless. Two refs? Hmmm all because of Gallop
Daily Telegraph
11 May 2011
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." --From How to Build A Universe That Won’t Fall Apart in Two Days by Philip K. Dick
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Twitter May 2011
Results for almuddaththir
Tip: use operators for advanced search.
Tweets with links
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Horror show gets Kangaroos in the mood… via @smh_news
9 minutes ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Hannah I'm dared. How please?
53 minutes ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Honeymoon murder suspect was 'desperate to escape marriage'… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Residents welcome plan to move town… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama's Will | Osama Bin Laden's Final Message To His 24 Children… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The blackest of Black Hawks? Bin Laden raid chopper mystery… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Sydney Lin family killings: bail refused… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Pakistan's defence chief visits Canberra | The Australian
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@almuddaththir Only Allah encompasses the universe as we struggle to understand little bits of it
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
HUGE objects in the universe distort space and time with the force of their gravity
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Toward_Khilafah bin Laden's last message was that he regretted not spending time with his kids. If he had, he would have a bigger family
3 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian A NASA probe has confirmed two key parts of Albert Einstein's theory of general rel..
3 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@TIME @TIMEWorld Cheating on the US? I didn't know Pakistan was married or engaged to the Yanks! Cheating? Hohoho!
5 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@GlobalPost This is just another Yank blunder across someone else's cultural sensitivities...just another one of millions
5 hours ago
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
@almuddaththir How do u figure that Brother?
6 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
If bin Laden had spent more time with his kids, more people would be alive today
7 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@smh_news I am sorry too, cos if you had spent more time with your kids, more people would be alive today
7 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Reuters Publishes Bloody Raid Photos | Osama Bin Laden Dead… via @smh_news
8 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@thisiskhaledm The big problem is that most people do not read what is written
11 hours ago
alhazrid hazrid
@Qahtani @almuddaththir wowee! As if Syria doesn't have enough thugs and needs to import them from Lebanon.
12 hours ago
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
@almuddaththir They are helping Assad (Baath) and army to kill civilians in Deraa, they dress as civilians or in black #Syria #Mar15
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Qahtani Really? That is terrible. What is Hizbollah doing in Syria?
12 hours ago
alialsaeed Ali Al Saeed
@almuddaththir shame to see, but seems that's how the world is operating right now
12 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@CricketDope What was her name?
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah…
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Israel killed 1,300 kids in Gaza: UN crescentandcross | May 3, 2011 URL:
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Netanyahu: Hamas-Fatah unity pact is a victory for terrorism crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Lest We Forget--Bin Laden At Rawalpindi Hospital September 10th FAILING HEALTH! crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden in the Hut Next Door -
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@ChangeRegimes What is this shit about Israel? What is so sacrosanct about a state that is racist?
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Beautiful gardens facing bulldozer | Northern Rivers News | Local News in Northern Rivers | Northern Star… via @AddThis
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@alialsaeed Yes, I thought that also.
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Hollywood and Osama...who will play bin Laden? George Clooney? Arnold Schwarzenegger? What a travesty!
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden's Death: Obama's Biggest Mistake?
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
North Korea Concentration Camps Hold 200K… via @TheDailyBeast
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Did CIA Ignore bin Laden Warning?
13 hours ago
yarddonky steve sawyer
RT @Marguer_d: RT @almuddaththir: --------------------- Breaking News Alert: #Obama won't release post-mortem pho...
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Russia demands Israeli group vacate historic Jerusalem building crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
When Israeli soldiers came to arrest my father crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Congress turns against Pakistan crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
$5 million lawsuit targets Jimmy Carter for ‘attacking Israel’ crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
US Refusal of 2001 Taliban Offer Gave bin Laden a Free Pass crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Jerusalem Syndrome crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bahrain downs Iran's Press TV channel crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
---------------------------------------- Breaking News Alert: Obama won't release post-mortem photos of bin Laden, CBS reports
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Sixty-two-year-old Ma Sanxiao, Legless veteran, planted 3,000 trees in 10 years
15 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
China has planted billions of trees to offset pollution. Drive anywhere in China and you will see billions of new trees
15 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The world's population is projected to pass 7 billion on October 31 as it heads toward 10 billion or more by the end of the century
15 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Iranian MP: Bin Laden Killed for Fear of Intelligence Leakage crescentandcross | May 3, 2011 URL:
22 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s efforts to engage Pakistan were called into question after Bin Laden was found there
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
More than a dozen soldiers have been killed in clashes in Sudan’s contested Abyei area, Sudanese officials said on Tuesday.
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
It is indeed only the Truthful whose initial accounts are congruent with all later accounts.. RT @almuddaththir: ...
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden was not carrying a weapon when he was killed in Pakistan, the White House said, as it revised its initial account
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden and Eichmann -
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama Didn't Use Wife As Human Shield: White House… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
China’s top internal security official called for a database on each of China’s 1.34 billion residents to manage public dissent.
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: Each year, about 700 Palestinian kids are arrested, brutally interrogated, and prosecuted in ...
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: Under military occupation, Palestinian children are treated like adults
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: Since 2000 alone, over 7,000 Palestinian children have been brutalized by Israel
4 May
AbdulHamidAhmad Abdul Hamid Ahmad
Great RT @almuddaththir: The Israeli musician Daniel Barenboim and 25 members of his orchestra performed in the (cont)
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Each year, about 700 Palestinian kids are arrested, brutally interrogated, and prosecuted in Israeli military courts, denying them justice.
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Under military occupation, Palestinian children are treated like adults
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Since 2000 alone, over 7,000 Palestinian children have been brutalized by Israel
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Israeli musician Daniel Barenboim and 25 members of his orchestra performed in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Tuesday.
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@newmatilda And for my mind they are all out of tune
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama dead | Osama bin Laden scams: FBI sounds alarm… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Richard Branson gives Virgin a new name… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Did Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson know of Osama bin Laden's death before the press?… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden was never just the founder and leader of the group, but also an idea
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The End of the Jihadist Dream -
4 May
ArdathCotroneNG Ardath Cotrone
@almuddaththir Arthur with Russell Brand? Watch it here Copy & Paste:
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
White House: We Lied the First Time
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@steveweinstein If it were not bin Laden, it would have been someone else ..Saddam, Gadhafi, Britney Spears ...
4 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir masha Allah that is the spirit of a true Muslim
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@almuddaththir @iyad_elbaghdadi I just don't go with killing people, let alone destroying structures and places of Holy Worship
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@iyad_elbaghdadi Being a Muslim and also of Irish descent I can understand the resentment of the Al Qaeda groups
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
A US official says Osama bin Laden was shot above his left eye and the bullet blew away part of his skull.
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden Source Named: Report… via @TheDailyBeast
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
CIA Director: We Didn't Alert Pakistan… via @TheDailyBeast
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Security agencies were 'clueless' but neighbourhood kids on the ball | The Australian
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Big Lie: Torture Got Bin Laden… via @dailydish
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Zawahiri faces image problems… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
THE White House says it decided before the raid in Pakistan that if its forces killed Osama bin Laden, he would be buried at sea
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Pakistan's president said accusations that his nation extends safe haven to extremists were "baseless"
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden's wife rushed at the US commando and she was shot in the leg before bin Laden was killed
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Today, the US-NATO war in Afghanistan is against an indigenous insurgency which is fighting to oust 100,000 foreign troops
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Democratic voices, such as Malalai Joya, say that Afghan civil society can deal with the Taliban – but only after the foreign troops get out
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Only the people of Afghanistan will be able to address their country's widespread problems of democracy and poverty
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Australian troops must be withdrawn from Afghanistan
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian US mulls releasing 'gruesome' Bin Laden pic | The Australian
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@newdave Palestine, as with everywhere else, is capable of ugliness. But that ugliness is a vestige of Israeli ultra-ugliness...
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
PM and Rudd air Pakistan concerns… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah Morning brother from Nigeria... we are living through difficult times when the world is confused...but we smile
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bashir warns of bloody revenge on US… via @smh_news
4 May
TiraCyrin TiraCyrin
@almuddaththir Hoping we're not increased in number, but also iman, taqwah and piety. May Allah saves us from harm, in this world & after iA
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@YasmineSayed Wisdom without innocence is arrogance. We are nothing without Allah and it is wise to be innocent
3 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir Brother how are you today and how is Australia? I must say your tweets keeps one updated
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
UN under fire for hypocrisy - In The Paper - Mail & Guardian Online… via @mailandguardian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Security forces on Monday rounded up hundreds of pro-democracy sympathisers, including prominent human rights campaigner Diana Jawabra
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Guess who! He’s got the smirking grin of a politician who knows that he got away with his crimes.
3 May
newdave David Nisbet
@almuddaththir Why does everyone act like Palestine is so sweet and innocent? As far as I know they're run b… (cont)
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
World leaders supported death of Osama Bin Laden, tempered by concerns about potential reprisals and further attacks.
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Chinese ocean monitoring agency is adding ships and personnel to beef up enforcement of maritime claims.
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden’s Sea Burial Aimed to Avoid a Shrine on Land...who decided this? Did bin Laden's family have a say at all?
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Israel Helps Set Up Database of Property Lost in Holocaust...but what about for land and lives of Palestinians lost since 1947?
3 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: The world’s Muslim population is expected to reach 2.2 billion in 2030 from 1.6 billion in 2010
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Under current projections, a majority of the world’s Muslims — about 60 per cent — will continue to live in the Asia-Pacific region
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The world’s Muslim population is expected to reach 2.2 billion in 2030 from 1.6 billion in 2010
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Pakistan to be most populous Muslim nation by ’30: Study
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Imagine the good if Osama bin Laden had been an engineer or a scientist
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
China's newly revised Criminal Law has a shorter list of crimes that can be punished by death - 55 now instead of the previous 68.
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Habib: "Without Osama bin Laden they will find some other excuse to continue the war,"
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
AL-QA'IDA'S second-in-command, Egyptian-born doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri, is expected to succeed Osama bin Laden
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Australia's former Gitmo prisoner Mamdouh Habib says 'the terrorist is Obama, not Osama'
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Home-grown terror threat alert | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Hatred of Jews 'sweeping world': Benjamin Netanyahu | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
'Red' Communist tours of Hainan, China | All-women army unit lure… via @smh_news
3 May
MazenMahdi Mazen Mahdi
RT @almuddaththir: RT @australian Angry mobs force UN out of Tripoli | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Afghan children killed in US-led strike crescentandcross | May 2, 2011 URL:
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
McCain: U.S. Needs to ‘Get Back in the Fight’ in Libya crescentandcross | May 2, 2011 at 2:27 pm URL:
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Angry mobs force UN out of Tripoli | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Outrage over Israel's decision to freeze Palestinian revenue… via @smh_news
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Seattle: Anti-Israel billboard ads to be removed for fear of offending Jews. No such concern about anti-Islam billboards
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Body buried at sea in Islamic way: US… via @smh_news
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama Dead & Twitter: How The Story Unfolded On Twitter & Facebook… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Australia Smug In Its Prosperity… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The death of Osama bin Laden is a Pyrrhic victory for the West
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The market reaction in the US was equally upbeat. Oil prices posted their biggest loss for two weeks.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Reports of Osama's death sent US stock futures higher
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama dead | US futures, Aussie stocks rise on news of bin Laden… via @smh_news Capitalism disgusts me...
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bones identified as Kiesha's… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bob's 'Lazarus moment' - In The Paper - Mail & Guardian Online… via @mailandguardian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Strange_Sanum The chanting of USA is sickening to many of us in Australia. Again we are carried into idiocy by the Yanks
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@1RUB3L It's the oil!
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
12-year-old boy suicide bomber kills four… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
His death does not make my life happier. Death is always a reminder to Whom we owe our lives ...InshAllah we have life yet to live
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
A game called VBS 2, used to simulate battlefield conditions in military training, owes its existence to an Australian heavy metal song.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Let's not forget about Israel...Israel Moves Against Palestinian Unity Deal by Delaying Funds...aren't they such nice people!
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Where exactly is the West? Everywhere is west of everywhere else... isn't it a bit silly?
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
I just love the way Obama tells us that Americans can do what they want...and stuff the rest of the world. What arrogance!
2 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir masha Allah thats good to know. Its now fajr here
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah M Good afternoon brother from Nigeria...I have just returned from the town and it is now turned afternoon. I am Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@madaboutislam @youtube InshAllah the power of the people will be realised soon if not immediately
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Jnoubiyeh Absolutely spot on ... power and and power..not a thought for life itself let alone Allah
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@australian Police did not have to kill this man. Oz police are out of control..they should apply to Saleh and Bashar for work
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah Morning brother from Nigeria...
2 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir:@AtweetForAllah The word'terrorism'defies definition,for those with power use the word to deny others their sense of power
2 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir true talk brother
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian India, Australia to begin free trade talks | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bee population declining | Northern Rivers News | Local News in Northern Rivers | Northern Star… via @AddThis
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Israel halts Palestinian cash | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah The word 'terrorism' defies definition, for those with power use the word to deny others their sense of power
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian China blasts Salman Rushdie letter | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
THE royal couple had barely returned to Buckingham Palace when the seamstresses at the Jinyi Wedding Dress Company in China got to work.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian 'Where can we go? There is bombing everywhere' | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@What456 @Machahir123 Shukran...I will follow the link
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@BBCBreaking He was a gent outside the ring but a terror inside it...RIP
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@ImanAlShaybani Are you sure it's a teddy bear?
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
“Sit long enough by the river and the corpse of your enemy will float by,” says an old Middle Eastern proverb.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Britain has decided to expel the Libyan ambassador after its embassy in Tripoli was attacked.
2 May
madaboutislam Rukeya Begum
@almuddaththir salaams sorry for delayed reply, been away. jzk for your kind messg. where eva we r -our cause is the same IA
2 May
What456 Al-Jazeera
@almuddaththir Follow this reporter }-- @Machahir123 4 latest from #Misrata in libya
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike: Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Quit drinking to cut cancer risk… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Was Gadhafi the real target of strike that killed his son? crescentandcross URL:
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Israel freezes cash transfer to Palestinians due to Fatah-Hamas unity deal crescentandcross |URL:
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
US to use Afghanistan as base for drone attacks in Pakistan crescentandcross | May 1, 2011 URL:
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Stefanovic's golden moment tops Nine's triumphant return to form… via @smh_news
2 May
mnril mril
@almuddaththir [:
1 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir brother thats the spirit, your appearance and attitude alone should tell who you are. Best tweet of the day i must say
1 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@mnril Alhamdu lillah...
1 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah If you see my name, you know I am a Muslim. If you see my face, you know I am a Muslim.
1 May
Older Tweet results for almuddaththir are unavailable.
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Ahmad bin Abdullah
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Tweets with links
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Horror show gets Kangaroos in the mood… via @smh_news
9 minutes ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Hannah I'm dared. How please?
53 minutes ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Honeymoon murder suspect was 'desperate to escape marriage'… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Residents welcome plan to move town… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama's Will | Osama Bin Laden's Final Message To His 24 Children… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The blackest of Black Hawks? Bin Laden raid chopper mystery… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Sydney Lin family killings: bail refused… via @smh_news
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Pakistan's defence chief visits Canberra | The Australian
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@almuddaththir Only Allah encompasses the universe as we struggle to understand little bits of it
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
HUGE objects in the universe distort space and time with the force of their gravity
2 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Toward_Khilafah bin Laden's last message was that he regretted not spending time with his kids. If he had, he would have a bigger family
3 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian A NASA probe has confirmed two key parts of Albert Einstein's theory of general rel..
3 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@TIME @TIMEWorld Cheating on the US? I didn't know Pakistan was married or engaged to the Yanks! Cheating? Hohoho!
5 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@GlobalPost This is just another Yank blunder across someone else's cultural sensitivities...just another one of millions
5 hours ago
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
@almuddaththir How do u figure that Brother?
6 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
If bin Laden had spent more time with his kids, more people would be alive today
7 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@smh_news I am sorry too, cos if you had spent more time with your kids, more people would be alive today
7 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Reuters Publishes Bloody Raid Photos | Osama Bin Laden Dead… via @smh_news
8 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@thisiskhaledm The big problem is that most people do not read what is written
11 hours ago
alhazrid hazrid
@Qahtani @almuddaththir wowee! As if Syria doesn't have enough thugs and needs to import them from Lebanon.
12 hours ago
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
@almuddaththir They are helping Assad (Baath) and army to kill civilians in Deraa, they dress as civilians or in black #Syria #Mar15
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Qahtani Really? That is terrible. What is Hizbollah doing in Syria?
12 hours ago
alialsaeed Ali Al Saeed
@almuddaththir shame to see, but seems that's how the world is operating right now
12 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@CricketDope What was her name?
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah…
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Israel killed 1,300 kids in Gaza: UN crescentandcross | May 3, 2011 URL:
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Netanyahu: Hamas-Fatah unity pact is a victory for terrorism crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Lest We Forget--Bin Laden At Rawalpindi Hospital September 10th FAILING HEALTH! crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden in the Hut Next Door -
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@ChangeRegimes What is this shit about Israel? What is so sacrosanct about a state that is racist?
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Beautiful gardens facing bulldozer | Northern Rivers News | Local News in Northern Rivers | Northern Star… via @AddThis
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@alialsaeed Yes, I thought that also.
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Hollywood and Osama...who will play bin Laden? George Clooney? Arnold Schwarzenegger? What a travesty!
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden's Death: Obama's Biggest Mistake?
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
North Korea Concentration Camps Hold 200K… via @TheDailyBeast
12 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Did CIA Ignore bin Laden Warning?
13 hours ago
yarddonky steve sawyer
RT @Marguer_d: RT @almuddaththir: --------------------- Breaking News Alert: #Obama won't release post-mortem pho...
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Russia demands Israeli group vacate historic Jerusalem building crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
When Israeli soldiers came to arrest my father crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Congress turns against Pakistan crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
$5 million lawsuit targets Jimmy Carter for ‘attacking Israel’ crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
US Refusal of 2001 Taliban Offer Gave bin Laden a Free Pass crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Jerusalem Syndrome crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bahrain downs Iran's Press TV channel crescentandcross | May 4, 2011 URL:
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
---------------------------------------- Breaking News Alert: Obama won't release post-mortem photos of bin Laden, CBS reports
14 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Sixty-two-year-old Ma Sanxiao, Legless veteran, planted 3,000 trees in 10 years
15 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
China has planted billions of trees to offset pollution. Drive anywhere in China and you will see billions of new trees
15 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The world's population is projected to pass 7 billion on October 31 as it heads toward 10 billion or more by the end of the century
15 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Iranian MP: Bin Laden Killed for Fear of Intelligence Leakage crescentandcross | May 3, 2011 URL:
22 hours ago
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s efforts to engage Pakistan were called into question after Bin Laden was found there
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
More than a dozen soldiers have been killed in clashes in Sudan’s contested Abyei area, Sudanese officials said on Tuesday.
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
It is indeed only the Truthful whose initial accounts are congruent with all later accounts.. RT @almuddaththir: ...
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden was not carrying a weapon when he was killed in Pakistan, the White House said, as it revised its initial account
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden and Eichmann -
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama Didn't Use Wife As Human Shield: White House… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
China’s top internal security official called for a database on each of China’s 1.34 billion residents to manage public dissent.
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: Each year, about 700 Palestinian kids are arrested, brutally interrogated, and prosecuted in ...
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: Under military occupation, Palestinian children are treated like adults
4 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: Since 2000 alone, over 7,000 Palestinian children have been brutalized by Israel
4 May
AbdulHamidAhmad Abdul Hamid Ahmad
Great RT @almuddaththir: The Israeli musician Daniel Barenboim and 25 members of his orchestra performed in the (cont)
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Each year, about 700 Palestinian kids are arrested, brutally interrogated, and prosecuted in Israeli military courts, denying them justice.
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Under military occupation, Palestinian children are treated like adults
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Since 2000 alone, over 7,000 Palestinian children have been brutalized by Israel
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Israeli musician Daniel Barenboim and 25 members of his orchestra performed in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Tuesday.
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@newmatilda And for my mind they are all out of tune
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama dead | Osama bin Laden scams: FBI sounds alarm… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Richard Branson gives Virgin a new name… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Did Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson know of Osama bin Laden's death before the press?… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden was never just the founder and leader of the group, but also an idea
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The End of the Jihadist Dream -
4 May
ArdathCotroneNG Ardath Cotrone
@almuddaththir Arthur with Russell Brand? Watch it here Copy & Paste:
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
White House: We Lied the First Time
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@steveweinstein If it were not bin Laden, it would have been someone else ..Saddam, Gadhafi, Britney Spears ...
4 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir masha Allah that is the spirit of a true Muslim
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@almuddaththir @iyad_elbaghdadi I just don't go with killing people, let alone destroying structures and places of Holy Worship
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@iyad_elbaghdadi Being a Muslim and also of Irish descent I can understand the resentment of the Al Qaeda groups
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
A US official says Osama bin Laden was shot above his left eye and the bullet blew away part of his skull.
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden Source Named: Report… via @TheDailyBeast
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
CIA Director: We Didn't Alert Pakistan… via @TheDailyBeast
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Security agencies were 'clueless' but neighbourhood kids on the ball | The Australian
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Big Lie: Torture Got Bin Laden… via @dailydish
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Zawahiri faces image problems… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
THE White House says it decided before the raid in Pakistan that if its forces killed Osama bin Laden, he would be buried at sea
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Pakistan's president said accusations that his nation extends safe haven to extremists were "baseless"
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama bin Laden's wife rushed at the US commando and she was shot in the leg before bin Laden was killed
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Today, the US-NATO war in Afghanistan is against an indigenous insurgency which is fighting to oust 100,000 foreign troops
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Democratic voices, such as Malalai Joya, say that Afghan civil society can deal with the Taliban – but only after the foreign troops get out
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Only the people of Afghanistan will be able to address their country's widespread problems of democracy and poverty
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Australian troops must be withdrawn from Afghanistan
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian US mulls releasing 'gruesome' Bin Laden pic | The Australian
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@newdave Palestine, as with everywhere else, is capable of ugliness. But that ugliness is a vestige of Israeli ultra-ugliness...
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
PM and Rudd air Pakistan concerns… via @smh_news
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah Morning brother from Nigeria... we are living through difficult times when the world is confused...but we smile
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bashir warns of bloody revenge on US… via @smh_news
4 May
TiraCyrin TiraCyrin
@almuddaththir Hoping we're not increased in number, but also iman, taqwah and piety. May Allah saves us from harm, in this world & after iA
4 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@YasmineSayed Wisdom without innocence is arrogance. We are nothing without Allah and it is wise to be innocent
3 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir Brother how are you today and how is Australia? I must say your tweets keeps one updated
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
UN under fire for hypocrisy - In The Paper - Mail & Guardian Online… via @mailandguardian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Security forces on Monday rounded up hundreds of pro-democracy sympathisers, including prominent human rights campaigner Diana Jawabra
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Guess who! He’s got the smirking grin of a politician who knows that he got away with his crimes.
3 May
newdave David Nisbet
@almuddaththir Why does everyone act like Palestine is so sweet and innocent? As far as I know they're run b… (cont)
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
World leaders supported death of Osama Bin Laden, tempered by concerns about potential reprisals and further attacks.
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The Chinese ocean monitoring agency is adding ships and personnel to beef up enforcement of maritime claims.
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bin Laden’s Sea Burial Aimed to Avoid a Shrine on Land...who decided this? Did bin Laden's family have a say at all?
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Israel Helps Set Up Database of Property Lost in Holocaust...but what about for land and lives of Palestinians lost since 1947?
3 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir: The world’s Muslim population is expected to reach 2.2 billion in 2030 from 1.6 billion in 2010
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Under current projections, a majority of the world’s Muslims — about 60 per cent — will continue to live in the Asia-Pacific region
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The world’s Muslim population is expected to reach 2.2 billion in 2030 from 1.6 billion in 2010
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Pakistan to be most populous Muslim nation by ’30: Study
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Imagine the good if Osama bin Laden had been an engineer or a scientist
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
China's newly revised Criminal Law has a shorter list of crimes that can be punished by death - 55 now instead of the previous 68.
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Habib: "Without Osama bin Laden they will find some other excuse to continue the war,"
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
AL-QA'IDA'S second-in-command, Egyptian-born doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri, is expected to succeed Osama bin Laden
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Australia's former Gitmo prisoner Mamdouh Habib says 'the terrorist is Obama, not Osama'
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Home-grown terror threat alert | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Hatred of Jews 'sweeping world': Benjamin Netanyahu | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
'Red' Communist tours of Hainan, China | All-women army unit lure… via @smh_news
3 May
MazenMahdi Mazen Mahdi
RT @almuddaththir: RT @australian Angry mobs force UN out of Tripoli | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Afghan children killed in US-led strike crescentandcross | May 2, 2011 URL:
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
McCain: U.S. Needs to ‘Get Back in the Fight’ in Libya crescentandcross | May 2, 2011 at 2:27 pm URL:
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Angry mobs force UN out of Tripoli | The Australian
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Outrage over Israel's decision to freeze Palestinian revenue… via @smh_news
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Seattle: Anti-Israel billboard ads to be removed for fear of offending Jews. No such concern about anti-Islam billboards
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Body buried at sea in Islamic way: US… via @smh_news
3 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama Dead & Twitter: How The Story Unfolded On Twitter & Facebook… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Australia Smug In Its Prosperity… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The death of Osama bin Laden is a Pyrrhic victory for the West
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
The market reaction in the US was equally upbeat. Oil prices posted their biggest loss for two weeks.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Reports of Osama's death sent US stock futures higher
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Osama dead | US futures, Aussie stocks rise on news of bin Laden… via @smh_news Capitalism disgusts me...
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bones identified as Kiesha's… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bob's 'Lazarus moment' - In The Paper - Mail & Guardian Online… via @mailandguardian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Strange_Sanum The chanting of USA is sickening to many of us in Australia. Again we are carried into idiocy by the Yanks
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@1RUB3L It's the oil!
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
12-year-old boy suicide bomber kills four… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
His death does not make my life happier. Death is always a reminder to Whom we owe our lives ...InshAllah we have life yet to live
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
A game called VBS 2, used to simulate battlefield conditions in military training, owes its existence to an Australian heavy metal song.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Let's not forget about Israel...Israel Moves Against Palestinian Unity Deal by Delaying Funds...aren't they such nice people!
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Where exactly is the West? Everywhere is west of everywhere else... isn't it a bit silly?
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
I just love the way Obama tells us that Americans can do what they want...and stuff the rest of the world. What arrogance!
2 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir masha Allah thats good to know. Its now fajr here
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah M Good afternoon brother from Nigeria...I have just returned from the town and it is now turned afternoon. I am Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@madaboutislam @youtube InshAllah the power of the people will be realised soon if not immediately
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@Jnoubiyeh Absolutely spot on ... power and and power..not a thought for life itself let alone Allah
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@australian Police did not have to kill this man. Oz police are out of control..they should apply to Saleh and Bashar for work
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah Morning brother from Nigeria...
2 May
Toward_Khilafah Khawlah
RT @almuddaththir:@AtweetForAllah The word'terrorism'defies definition,for those with power use the word to deny others their sense of power
2 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir true talk brother
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian India, Australia to begin free trade talks | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Bee population declining | Northern Rivers News | Local News in Northern Rivers | Northern Star… via @AddThis
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian Israel halts Palestinian cash | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah The word 'terrorism' defies definition, for those with power use the word to deny others their sense of power
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian China blasts Salman Rushdie letter | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
THE royal couple had barely returned to Buckingham Palace when the seamstresses at the Jinyi Wedding Dress Company in China got to work.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
RT @australian 'Where can we go? There is bombing everywhere' | The Australian
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@What456 @Machahir123 Shukran...I will follow the link
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@BBCBreaking He was a gent outside the ring but a terror inside it...RIP
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@ImanAlShaybani Are you sure it's a teddy bear?
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
“Sit long enough by the river and the corpse of your enemy will float by,” says an old Middle Eastern proverb.
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Britain has decided to expel the Libyan ambassador after its embassy in Tripoli was attacked.
2 May
madaboutislam Rukeya Begum
@almuddaththir salaams sorry for delayed reply, been away. jzk for your kind messg. where eva we r -our cause is the same IA
2 May
What456 Al-Jazeera
@almuddaththir Follow this reporter }-- @Machahir123 4 latest from #Misrata in libya
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike: Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Quit drinking to cut cancer risk… via @smh_news
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Was Gadhafi the real target of strike that killed his son? crescentandcross URL:
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Israel freezes cash transfer to Palestinians due to Fatah-Hamas unity deal crescentandcross |URL:
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
US to use Afghanistan as base for drone attacks in Pakistan crescentandcross | May 1, 2011 URL:
2 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
Stefanovic's golden moment tops Nine's triumphant return to form… via @smh_news
2 May
mnril mril
@almuddaththir [:
1 May
AtweetForAllah Nigerian Muslim
@almuddaththir brother thats the spirit, your appearance and attitude alone should tell who you are. Best tweet of the day i must say
1 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@mnril Alhamdu lillah...
1 May
almuddaththir Ahmad bin Abdullah
@AtweetForAllah If you see my name, you know I am a Muslim. If you see my face, you know I am a Muslim.
1 May
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