Monday, July 7, 2008


Hi Janelle Saffin
I have reviewed today's news and the Rudd-slide [my term] in opinion polls. This is to be expected as you install repairs to Oz in the wake of Howard's disastrous years.
I had written to you while you were campaigning and your office responded with such comradery. I was impressed and with hope that at least my small section of relevance may at some stage receive some attention.
But I realise I am not the only punter in your corner. However, I would fail in my care for my wife and family were I to not contact you again on this same matter: Job Network Members.
I have attached my letter to the manager of Wesley Uniting Casino. Together with my previous attachment to you [on JNMs] you may gather enough to see where we unemployed face the cold grunt of failure.
I am now almost 64 years of age and I am still applying for over 20 jobs per week. I don't see why we should continue to cop crap from ignorant mercenaries within the JNM.
Adrian Keefe
3 Grafton St
Tabulam 2460
02 6666 1428

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