@ to me
show details 09:51 (22 minutes ago)
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It only takes a bit of brain to amend this ridiculous law. But is there such a thing in Oz now ....a bit of a brain?
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"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." --From How to Build A Universe That Won’t Fall Apart in Two Days by Philip K. Dick
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Ponting: Sack the Churlish Pig
Said it before and I say it again: Sack Ponting. I can't watch cricket with the same enthusisam since Ponting's churlish nature turned the game into a nasty arena of spite.
Daily Telegraph
27 Dec 09
Daily Telegraph
27 Dec 09
Monday, December 21, 2009
Why do we blame China for our pollution?
Superbly written; logical reasoning; unassailable argument. I live under a cobalt blue sky. It is easy for me to criticise China for its terrible pollution and for its impact upon the medical condition of many of its population. But before I forget, many Australian businesses seek economic comparative advantage by outsourcing the means of production, and if the China sky is polluted in this process then ... stiff cheddar!
China Daily
Dec 22, 09
China Daily
Dec 22, 09
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Carbon Trading: Where will you sit when the Titanic sinks? @ to me
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Carbon trading... where will you sit when the Titanic sinks? Will it matter which deck chair you choose?
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show details 08:45 (8 minutes ago)
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Carbon trading... where will you sit when the Titanic sinks? Will it matter which deck chair you choose?
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Peter Cundall: that's yer bloomin' lot for the week! @ to me
show details 11:27 (57 minutes ago)
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Cundall...he is quite a bloke.
He would make an excellent prime minister
As he doled out money for national programs, he'd say: and that's yer bloomin' lot for the week
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show details 11:27 (57 minutes ago)
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Cundall...he is quite a bloke.
He would make an excellent prime minister
As he doled out money for national programs, he'd say: and that's yer bloomin' lot for the week
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saladin and Genghis Khan
Georgie M has posted the most compelling letter so far this ... week, month, year...and he/she capped it off with a piece about the Great Khan [Da Khan]who, despite his reputation, was indeed the most tolerant and inclusive of history's conquerors. Following this, if one looks at history [no need to ape the yanks with the term 'history books'] the great Saladin was extremely tolerant of non-Muslim religions, and Christians, Jews and Muslims got along fine with each other as a result of his wise leadership.
Sunday Telegraph
15 Nov 09
Sunday Telegraph
15 Nov 09
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sydney's Telegraph fucking our language again
Why the apostrophe for students? I am sure Malcolm Farr didn't write this glaringly wrong headline. Again, the Telegraph betrays its hopelessly ill-trained and ill-educated staff. But then this is Australier ...[sic]
Daily Telegraph
13 Nov 09
Daily Telegraph
13 Nov 09
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Britney Spears in Oz @ to me
show details 14:10 (4 minutes ago)
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Sadiq Farris brings to mind the image of Mr Bean trying to communicate with Marcel Marceau. Interesting! Now that I would pay to see. Britney? Not even a good clown!
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show details 14:10 (4 minutes ago)
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Sadiq Farris brings to mind the image of Mr Bean trying to communicate with Marcel Marceau. Interesting! Now that I would pay to see. Britney? Not even a good clown!
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Sunday, November 8, 2009
The whole world needs to speak English
I fully expect Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia and even Ireland to speak only English. Remember the Sydney lady who, in 1954, returned from Rome only to complain that there were too many 'New Australians' over there?
Daily Telegraph 9 Nov 09
Daily Telegraph 9 Nov 09
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Australian Liberals need to be debated
I think we Australians should have a debate about the fear of Liberals. Think about it. Menzies sold pig iron to the Japanese to help them in their attempted conquest of the pacific and Australia. He then tried to get us to invade Suez but was thwarted by Gamal Abdel Nasser, a Muslim. He then sent our soldiers into Vietnam and his retinue continued to lie to us as to the righteousness of the Liberal decision to wage war against the Vietnamese. Then Howard lied to us about WMD and sent our soldiers into Iraq ... then into Afghanistan.
Many of our soldiers have died because of Liberal lies and dreadful political decisions that reek of lies and political chicanery. Then the awful Kevin Andrews lied about Dr Haneef and blackened our reputation internationally. Now he's back, like a rotten smell, trying top stir feelings against fellow Australians. How far can these Liberals go in order to justify their existence? It is time to debate their existence in Australia and their legacy of lies war and hatred. It is time to ask about the Australians who have died because of Liberal deceit. Yes, let's debate the Liberals and Kevin Andrews himself.
Many of our soldiers have died because of Liberal lies and dreadful political decisions that reek of lies and political chicanery. Then the awful Kevin Andrews lied about Dr Haneef and blackened our reputation internationally. Now he's back, like a rotten smell, trying top stir feelings against fellow Australians. How far can these Liberals go in order to justify their existence? It is time to debate their existence in Australia and their legacy of lies war and hatred. It is time to ask about the Australians who have died because of Liberal deceit. Yes, let's debate the Liberals and Kevin Andrews himself.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Rape is a depraved act by depraved people @ to me
show details 08:46 (17 minutes ago)
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One has to be depraved in order to rape. How can rapists not be depraved? The judge is out of order.
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show details 08:46 (17 minutes ago)
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One has to be depraved in order to rape. How can rapists not be depraved? The judge is out of order.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Land confuses sheep with cattle
"Subued beef markets in Japan, US continue" makes a wondrous headline. But I wonder, apart from the obvious spelling mistake, ...hang on ... is it a spelling error? Maybe the word subued was intentional, a new word to describe a sort of underling female sheep! And I thought the article was about cattle!!
The Land
25 Oct 09
The Land
25 Oct 09
Editor of Daily Telegraph grammatically hopeless
It goes toward understanding why Australians are so hopelessly ill-educated. Was watching the editor of The Telegraph with Karl on Nine's Today: for an editor of a newspaper he was grammatically poor. Reading the comments daily in this newspaper the letters are littered with pathetic spelling. If the editor of your newspaper is no good at our language, how can we expect the ordinary blokes to shine?
Daily Telegraph
25th Oct 09
Daily Telegraph
25th Oct 09
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hazem El Masri: A Man to be Trusted @ to me
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Whichever party, El Masri would make a superb representative of his electorate. After all, he could be trusted.
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show details 08:49 (15 minutes ago)
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Whichever party, El Masri would make a superb representative of his electorate. After all, he could be trusted.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We Aussies were refugees once
Indonesia has hassles like none other and here we are dumping humans onto them like unwanted garbage. Why did these humans seek Australia in the first place? Does behaving like turds and arming ourselves to the teeth with words such as 'border protection' accord with our vision of ourselves as humane people? Not likely! Statistics show that the refugees who finally are granted asylum and residency here make damned fine citizens and contributors to our collective economy. Therefore, why behave as ghouls and goons when ultimately we are decent people? I live in Tabulam and I am constantly reminded by my Koori friends that my antecedents originally were refugees.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Australians are sycophants of the worst order
This not only condemns Rees but Australians as a group. We are such sycophants, such crawlers, that we hardly know the difference between Oz and the US. We ape their language, their style, their culture. What are we if not apes?
Daily Telegraph
20 Oct 09
Daily Telegraph
20 Oct 09
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cannabis does not kill: Anti-cannabis laws kill
Strange ... never heard of anyone dying from cannabis use. Oh yes, heard of many killed in so-called drug wars, wars caused primarily by greed but a greed initiated by the laws that try to prohibit the use of cannabis. Somehow, there is a bit of illogic in there somewhere.
Daily Telegraph Oct 17 2009
Daily Telegraph Oct 17 2009
I have BA in Politics and MA in Australian Studies
Hey! I have a BA in Politics and an MA in Australian Studies, and I would love to work for Rudd or Gillard, no matter how hard the job.
Daily Telegraph Oct 17 2009
Daily Telegraph Oct 17 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Six year old Yank kid yanks the balloon joke @ to me
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Aha! Yanks! Always trying to promote their kids as high fliers!
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show details 12:47 (1 hour ago)
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Aha! Yanks! Always trying to promote their kids as high fliers!
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Sri Lanka should take responsibility for its shit
Sri Lanka should take responsibility for its citizens who are scared of life in that country. Why should other nations bear the brunt, financially and psychologically, of fixing Sri Lanka's awful record of social discontent. For every penny we spend on taking care of displaced Sri Lankans, the Sri Lankan government should be debited in a global ledger.
Daily Telegraph
Oct 16, 2009
Daily Telegraph
Oct 16, 2009
China is Australia's close neighbour
Australia needs to draw China into a more cooperative regional arrangement where China helps to maintain stability in the areas of pirates, natural disasters and people smuggling. It is natural that China is viewed as a natural partner to prevent obstacles to trade, weapon and people smuggling, and in assisting neighbours in times of natural calamities.
China Daily Oct 16, 2009
China Daily Oct 16, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Connick and 'dumb sluts'
Australia has gone mad! All this muck about Connick and 'dumb sluts' ... now poor old Kamahl has finally entered the argument that could have passed into oblivion had not Channel Nine regurgitated the incident over and over and over again. Shiree would not have lasted a second in my business had she said what she is alleged to have said. There are thousands of Indonesians and Samoans who are in need of our attention, and all we do is to concentrate on ... TV skits and employees abusing employers.
Daily Telegraph 9 Oct 09
Daily Telegraph 9 Oct 09
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Schapelle should be allowed to come home
I must register my belief that Schapelle Corby is innocent. Look for motive and it is difficult to find one that fits the pattern [profile] of drug smuggling. The continued incarceration of Ms Corby is itself a crime, considering the state of her being and the benefits to both Australia and to Indonesia of such incarceration. It is time for Schapelle to be allowed to come home. Does anyone seriously think that keeping her in jail will serve justice?
Daily Telegraph 8th Oct 09
Daily Telegraph 8th Oct 09
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
John Howard: Referee for the NRL
Oh! This is classic! Wait for it ... imagine the headlines splashed across the Telegraph in years to come: 'Forwards Overboard!' ... 'The NRL has no intention of introducing a General Service Tax on Reserved Grandstand Seats.' ... 'The NRL will determine who will enter Australia to play the Kangaroos!' John Howard may have been a lousy player but he'll make a decent referee. I welcome the move.
Daily Telegraph
7th Oct 09
Daily Telegraph
7th Oct 09
Monday, October 5, 2009
Lebanese Aussies are Aussies
Lebanese are as Aussie as I am and my people invaded Australia at the beginning of the 19th century. I stayed in Lebanon recently for a few weeks and boy! Did I get a warm reception, merely because I was Aussie. And what do we do? Lock up Vietnamese Aussies for a few years cos they're 'different' ... treat our ethnic Aussies as if they are polecats.
Daily Telegraph Oct 5, 2009
Daily Telegraph Oct 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Archer's role in Rugby League has to be the subject of a thorough investigation. Not being a Parra supporter allowed me the wondrous element of neutrality in yesterday's Grand Final. I respect both teams and Melbourne clearly were the better team and deserved their win. But throughout this season, including the contentious Origin games orchestrated by Archer, referees have moved from positions of officiating to domination and influence. We cannot prove rumours of Archer's integrity or lack of it, but we can see how this referee has shifted he run of the game according to his dictates and we are not convinced Archer is true to the game.
Daily Telegraph 6th Oct 09
Daily Telegraph 6th Oct 09
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
China represents all that is positive in our world
Palmer is right! We Aussies have an unnatural fear of China and I don't know why we are hanging onto this historical absurdity. I have been to China six times and why? Because China represents all that is positive in our world. No other country plants as many trees as China. No other country has removed the poverty label as well as China. No other country presents a peaceful existence as China: I can walk down any street in any city in China and not feel threatened. I cannot do this in Sydney.
People's Daily
1 Oct 09
People's Daily
1 Oct 09
Monday, September 28, 2009
Who will be Pauline Hanson????? @ to me
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Cornelia Francis is my choice..Morag from Home and Away would be a classic Pauline. Red hair, opinionated, butch!
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show details 13:49 (9 minutes ago)
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Cornelia Francis is my choice..Morag from Home and Away would be a classic Pauline. Red hair, opinionated, butch!
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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Stop the pay of all politicians until ...
Stop the pay of all the politicians and army chiefs until this sad situation is righted. What is wrong with people who, after they are elected, become strangers to all the promises they mouth on their way to being elected? This military action in Afghanistan, as with our being in Vietnam, is to end up with no victory and Sgt Till's life ...wasted! Why? Because of callous politicians who themselves are not in harm's way.
Telegraph 26 Sep 09
Telegraph 26 Sep 09
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Goonellabah Dental Clinic
I am a pensioner. Goonellabah Dental Clinic phoned me to get me to visit clinic today [15th Sept 09]. I travelled 200km [each way 100km] for a two minute conversation. I was told that my gums were shrinking. I knew that. I could have been told over the phone or by mail. I mentioned this fact and the good dentist did a minor filling to make my trip worthwhile.
But the system itself ... why make a pensioner travel 200km for a two minute talk?
What sort of arrogance has become the culture of our health people?
It cost a lot of money to drive that far. Who will reimburse me?
But the system itself ... why make a pensioner travel 200km for a two minute talk?
What sort of arrogance has become the culture of our health people?
It cost a lot of money to drive that far. Who will reimburse me?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
John Howard lied. That is the truth. The Children Overboard incident was just one among many which involved our former PM's 'untruths'.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Oz Police think they are the Law
Thank the stars that the magistrate looks after the law and not just the police. Too many of our police think that, as with Stallone's Judge Dredd, they are the law.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sydney's Telegraph: Hopeless Spelling
Am I the only one who knows how to spell in this land of Oz? It's means 'it is' and does not mean 'belonging to it' ; It is time for The Telegraph to have its [not it's] workers attend a spelling course, instead of relying on spell-check; for as we all know, it's and its will never appear on spell-check
Daily Telegraph
25 Aug 09
Daily Telegraph
25 Aug 09
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Money corrupts China's Communists err..Capitalists
The new millionaires of Zhongguo will see to it that trade supersedes all other considerations between Oz and China. I just love all these communists who are capitalists. Money money money!
Peoples daily 20 Aug 09
Peoples daily 20 Aug 09
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Owen the Pirate: A True Icon of Film Making

Owen the pirate with eye patch and Bristolian arrrrrrgh accent... I knew a pervert at the Cross...named Johnny Patch... and he delighted in getting the innocent tarts into the cot and during climax remove the patch and frighten the shits outta the girl. He was a psychopath ... all of us were wary of Johnny Patch. I can't imagine you in the same light. It's drastic news. I hope tis not come to this.
I am glad finally I didn't get the teacher's job at Kopen. The place, judging by little evidence I'd had and now conclusively with your words that Enga was still at the bottom of the pit. They led me along a narrow ledge, and there was a large mob of Engans with me, fostering my belief that I'd actually been hired to teach. They operate in bubbles and don't seem to know what the others are doing. Ben phones and asks when I am in Wabag. Even the assist administrator was insisting I get up there pronto.
Most likely I will be here that time. But these past many years have opened up the world and I've been flying everywhere for free; now I may have thrombosis hassles largely aided by too much cramp in economy flights back and forth ... and because my family line has various amounts of arterial thingos.
But the house here is a good place to be when you want to .... stop... be apart from ...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The South African cricket umpire is a cheat. After again seeing his vile nature displayed to the world via Television, there is not a shred of doubt that his decisions against Australian batsmen and bowlers have been deeply affected by his unswerving hatred of all things Aussie. Video evidence would put this man behind bars were cricket anything more than just a game. But suggestions that Rudi Koertzen is making big money by his detestable decisions are gaining momentum.
To cheat is shocking. To make money from cheating is worse than theft.
Rudi Koertzen is a cheat.
To cheat is shocking. To make money from cheating is worse than theft.
Rudi Koertzen is a cheat.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kadeer: An Opportunist Uighur
It is strange to read comments such as Australian racists ... particularly when Australia consists of 192 'nationalities', of whom over two million are Asian, and Chinese Australians constitute the largest single 'nationality' [to use the Chinese nomenclature for ethnicity].
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't bother with Kadeer if someone paid me. She is an opportunist, terribly rich, having made her fortune from property in China, and terribly self-serving. If she were all that concerned with the Uighur, she would be back home tending to the sick, and trying to better the lives of her fellow citizens with some of the money she made from property.
As with the Daily Lama, the more noise China makes over these people, the more attention they receive.
Forget about them! They are not worth the time you spend on them.
China Daily 25 July 09
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't bother with Kadeer if someone paid me. She is an opportunist, terribly rich, having made her fortune from property in China, and terribly self-serving. If she were all that concerned with the Uighur, she would be back home tending to the sick, and trying to better the lives of her fellow citizens with some of the money she made from property.
As with the Daily Lama, the more noise China makes over these people, the more attention they receive.
Forget about them! They are not worth the time you spend on them.
China Daily 25 July 09
Sunday, July 19, 2009
South African Rudi Koertzen a CHEAT
Rudi Koertzen. Remember that name. Remember all the games he has umpired and you will remember the contentious decisions he has made. I have my own opinion of his veracity and I know that we battle uphill against his perverse detestation of all things Australian. Meneer Joubert, the referee who relegated Australia's Wallabies to an unwinnable position at Eden park on Saturday, is also a South African. I am beginning to think that we Australians have little chance against this detestable perversion that permeates the sporting South African psyche.
Daily Telegraph 20 July 09
Daily Telegraph 20 July 09
Friday, July 17, 2009
Police licensed to murder
Police are not intelligent or mature enough socially to be handed the responsibility of killing people. We have no capital punishment in Australia. Tasers avoid this restriction.
Daily Telegraph 18th July 09
Daily Telegraph 18th July 09
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I was watching football last night and a woman from Prospect Solution phoned. We had five minutes before the end of the first half. This woman raved on for a while. I didn't know who she was, what she wanted. Eventually it dawned that someone had used my online resume to allegedly approach Prospect Solution for work as a researcher/writer. After some correspondence it now appears Prospect Solution is a bogus organisation intent upon ID theft, gaining passport for fraud, and intending to gain financial benefits from job seekers in education.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
China's Maniac Drivers as bad as Terrorists
I agree with Chris. There is no more dangerous felon in China than the maniac behind the steering wheel of a motor vehicle. Hundreds of thousands of people are killed annually in China and what do the people do about it? Nothing! It is as if dangerous driving is a cultural fact of China. It isn't! It is as bad as terrorism in that victims of road terrorism have no defence against the sudden and unexpected thud of a motor vehicle as it crunches bones of pedestrians and other drivers.
China daily 15 July 09
China daily 15 July 09
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Chinese President Hu Jintao cannot be trusted
There's only one palpable answer to this dilemma: don't trust China. I personally have been the victim of a $4500 swindle by Chinese authorities and when I sought legal comfort from Chinese lawyers in China, I was arrested for complaining! They let me go after four hours of grilling! And I was the victim!!!!
Daily Telegraph 13/7/09
Daily Telegraph 13/7/09
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Chinese arrogance and Rio Tinto
Increasingly Chinese people are displaying a sense of arrogance as their country becomes financially more powerful. Even in the past five years, as I experience life on the street, this arrogance becomes palpable. The country calls itself communist but I don't know one communist who is prepared to share his or her wealth.
The Rio Tinto event shows us that the Chinese no longer seek hand-holders as they move into the capitalist world; they have shrugged off any need to encourage friendship or partnership with outsiders [or foreigners as they so balefully describe us].
And this has happened during the past five years or so.
I dread the coming years.
The Australian 10/7/09
The Rio Tinto event shows us that the Chinese no longer seek hand-holders as they move into the capitalist world; they have shrugged off any need to encourage friendship or partnership with outsiders [or foreigners as they so balefully describe us].
And this has happened during the past five years or so.
I dread the coming years.
The Australian 10/7/09
Increasingly Chinese people are displaying a sense of arrogance as their country becomes financially more powerful. Even in the past five years, as I experience life on the street, this arrogance becomes palpable. The country calls itself communist but I don't know one communist who is prepared to share his or her wealth.
The Rio Tinto event shows us that the Chinese no longer seek hand-holders as they move into the capitalist world; they have shrugged off any need to encourage friendship or partnership with outsiders [or foreigners as they so balefully describe us].
And this has happened during the past five years or so.
I dread the coming years.
The Australian 10/7/09
The Rio Tinto event shows us that the Chinese no longer seek hand-holders as they move into the capitalist world; they have shrugged off any need to encourage friendship or partnership with outsiders [or foreigners as they so balefully describe us].
And this has happened during the past five years or so.
I dread the coming years.
The Australian 10/7/09
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bill Harrigan: Rugby League's Cheat or Humbug?
When Rugby League supporters lose faith in the integrity of referees, and the game itself is embellished by rumour and innuendo, it is time to root out the cause of this discontent. Bill Harrigan does nothing to dispel the rumour mill. He has been a central figure in the miasma of suspicion that has clouded the integrity of League. It is good that, finally, Bill Harrigan has been recognised for the contentious character he has been.
Daily Telegraph 8/7/09
Daily Telegraph 8/7/09
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Barling Constructions: Builder of Crap
Grant Barling of Casino's Barling Constructions not only sprayed his rotten bowels all over our toilet when he was doing a building inspection but he lied in his report. When I discovered that barling had a done a barling all over our loo, I also had a suspicion that barling was a bit dishonest and wasn't playing the game straight. It was bad enough that Barling had done a barling when he used our toilet but that Barling was acting more for the bank than he was for me and it was I who was paying the shitter.
Just remember that a barling over your toilet is a disgusting thing to view.
Just remember that a barling over your toilet is a disgusting thing to view.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Barling into the toilet: Casino builder's diaorrhea
Barling means to spray shit over a client's loo. Grant Barling, a Casino licenced builder, Barling Constructions, came to our home to do a building inspection. Two minutes after he arrived, Barling went into our toilet and had an extreme fit of diaorrhea. He left behind his crap. sprayed everywhere, under the seat, up on the rim, over the top like hot brown lava.
Grant Barling then spent the next hour inspecting our home. And all that time his shit dried and drew the flies!
If ever you want to have a barling, better use the bush, or over a cliff, or in the washroom of a distant petrol station.
But never in a friend's home, and never never in your own.
Remember! Barling means spraying your bowels in wondrous fashion upon another's porcelain
Grant Barling then spent the next hour inspecting our home. And all that time his shit dried and drew the flies!
If ever you want to have a barling, better use the bush, or over a cliff, or in the washroom of a distant petrol station.
But never in a friend's home, and never never in your own.
Remember! Barling means spraying your bowels in wondrous fashion upon another's porcelain
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Fujin Bilingual School, Jiamusi Interrogation and a Nasty Cop named Zheng Le
Raoul's China Expat Saloon
« Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching English »
Jun 13, 2009, 2:34pm
Raoul's China Expat Saloon :: The Nate's China School Review Dance Hall :: Schools/Jobs Discussion Forum :: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching English
Author Topic: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching English (Read 1,774 times)
Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching English
« Thread Started on Dec 9, 2006, 3:00am »
I was arrested in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, because I was teaching English at Fujin Bilingual Primary School. The Fujin Government had invited me to China [don't worry about Z visa as we will fix that for you] in a hurry to open their Bilingual primary School. After two weeks I was arrested by Public Security Bureau agents for illegally teaching on a tourist visa. We had gone to the PSB office in Jiamusi to begin the process of acquiring z visa and to extend my tourist visa until Z visa was acquired. I then found out that Fujin Government had no authority to employ a foreign teacher.
During the following three months the school showed that it had no idea of visas and no idea of foreigners.
After so much hassle and late pay and broken promises and lies and lies and lies I simply packed up my bags and caught the bus from the tip of north Heilongjiang to Harbin then by plane to Beijing and then to Hong Kong and then back to Sydney and then home to northern New South Wales.
During the arrest by three pipper Zheng Le at Jiamusi I was not allowed to go to the toilet for two hours and then only with Zheng Le standing next to me in their squalid toilet that had a shower curtain suspended by cords above the urinal. It seemed that the upstairs toilet leaked and this shower curtain was used to capture the dripping piss. All this piss remained in a stinking bubble above my head while I tried to urinate. I had to sway to avoid the stinking drip as I pissed.
The interrorgation [and it was a form of terrorism] lasted for over two hours and I was asked all sorts of questions that seemed irrelevant to the question of illegally teaching English. I found out later that Jiamusi police were allegedly infamous for torturing FD/FG followers.
I was released after the Fujin Government intervened and explained that they were seeking a Z visa for me. So by the end of three months and my tourist visa close to expiration and my Z visa nowhere in sight, I shoved off for home.
I am still owed my pay.
But the horror of Fujin and Jiamusi was enough.
Be sure you go to China on a Z visa. It is your only protection. I went on a tourist visa because the Fujin Government assured me they would fix everything. They had not a clue! And I was arrested and interrogated because of that.
Note: I edited this account very, very slightly, with an eye toward not getting us blocked...Raoul
« Last Edit: Dec 9, 2006, 11:13am by Raoul Duke » Link to Post - Back to Top Logged
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #1 on Dec 9, 2006, 11:17am »
An amazing and terrible story. I'm glad you got out okay, Temujinsky.
And I hope some of you involved in the F Visa debate will read this and take it to heart. This stuff really does happen, no matter what some people may tell you...
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"Here in China we're not just teaching- we're building the corrupt, incompetent, baijiu-swilling buttheads of tomorrow!"
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #2 on Dec 9, 2006, 12:16pm »
The Chinese government changes its mind on the issue of Z visas and F visa upgrades more often than I change my underwear. (You may assume for sake of argument here that I am hygenic.) And getting a Z visa for a school without lots of connections is time-consuming and very expensive. This is why most schools would rather get a look at who will be teaching before going through the difficult, frustrating, slow and expensive process of getting a Z visa for a foreign teacher.
All this notwithstanding, anybody coming in on a tourist visa to any country and then staying to work would get treated pretty shabbily and would not have a lot of sympathy. The USA, for example, routinely ejects people working on tourist or student visas. Canada, too. So it should not be too great a surprise that China--world paragon of human rights that it is--isn't so keen on outside people breaking the law.
Yes. Again and again. GET YOUR STINKING Z VISA OR DON' T COME TO THE COUNTRY! It's in your own best interests, people getting away with it notwithstanding.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #3 on Dec 9, 2006, 6:57pm »
I'm currently in Shuangyashan which is only an hr by bus from Jiamusi. Everyone here tells me that "it's a bad city" and that "the people are bad". Until now I've taken it with a grain of salt, however, maybe there is some fountation to what they are saying
Thanks for the post Temujinsky.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #4 on Dec 9, 2006, 7:27pm »
i'm just wondering if TEMUJINSKY is still interested in coming back to China after all his "unfortunate" experiences...
I've used F visa for almost one year and my FAO will be issuing an invitation for me so i can process my working visa in the Philippines. but that would be 50/50 since the Phils. gov't is tough on this things. i might've to change my passport or go to hongkong to get a Z visa...
if it soent work out..i wont gamble AGAIN...
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Raoul Duke
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #5 on Dec 9, 2006, 11:35pm »
Might clarify one thing:
He was NOT arrested for teaching English. He was arrested for working in China without proper documentation. An important distinction.
It wasn't Temujinsky's fault. The school was operating outside the law, and how the hell was Temujinsky to know?
But he paid the price for it nevertheless...
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #6 on Dec 10, 2006, 3:06am »
Yes, forgive my headline hype...Raoul is right when he makes the distinction. Fujin was my third trip to China; two previous excursions were made on Z visas. The connection was made via a mob in Beijing who through a process of some thirty emails convinced me to throw away my insistence that I DO travel on Z visa because the school had an opening date and they wanted me there for that ... publicity photos, television, public figures, posterity and all that photos are plastered all over the school and I was famous for my many appearances on local Fujin I acquiesced and travelled on a tourist visa.
I extracted a written apology from the Fujin Government yet in that statement of mea culpa was an admission that I would be required to remain virtually in tourist visa Limbo until they sorted out the intricacies of Z visahood.
Oh, the school, in its infancy, tried to make things work. But the trouble lay in the weird authority structure of that region; no one had a good grasp on what was what and who was whom. And in the fact that no one wanted to be honest. Everyone had to lie.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #7 on Dec 10, 2006, 11:46am »
Quote:And in the fact that no one wanted to be honest. Everyone had to lie.
That's face rearing its ugly head.
In China saying "I don't know" is tantamount to saying "I am sexually impotent" or something. Nobody will ever tell you they don't know or understand something. They'll instead make poo up.
My wife, for example, when we're in a city she doesn't know, will ask for directions of several (at least three) people. When she gets two who say the same thing, she'll follow those directions. Because the other people? Are making stuff up.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #8 on Dec 15, 2006, 2:30am »
Here are the full details:
A simple account of an extraordinary event:
Yesterday [14th September 2006] the school's [Fujin Bilingual Primary School, Heilongjiang] principal, head teacher, a member of Fujian's Public Security Bureau, Zhou Chao, Zhou Ming [the driver] and I travelled to Jiamusi to file documents pertaining to my employment as a teacher of English and to extend my visa while these documents were being processed. We went straight to the Jiamusi PSB for this.
Immediately upon entering the PSB building we were ushered into an office and suddenly the others were swept from the office and I was left alone with these two female members of the PSB. One was a translator and the other the chief of police [from what I could understand].
It was clear to me from the start that I was being 'grilled' for breaking the terms of my tourist visa by teaching at Fujin Bilingual Primary School.
I told them that I had been invited to Fujin by the Fujin government and that I was on a tourist visa due to the fact that I had been asked to travel quickly to Fujin to facilitate the September opening ceremony and to be in place for the students when the school began to operate.
They asked me who asked me to come to China and I told them many times that it was Zhou Chao and the entire Fujin community.
I was then moved from the 'visitors' chair to a chair in front of the police chief. She exited and another plain clothes policeman began to grill me again. I repeated what I had told the previous policewoman and he, too, exited, to be replaced by a nasty type.
This nasty type was nasty. His name is Zhang le and his number is 050150. He had three stars on his shoulder and he did not speak good English. He interrogated me in Chinese for two hours!
I told these two police [Zhang Le and the female translator] exactly what had happened to me since my arrival in China. Zhang Le continued to not understand what I was saying and she kept telling me that Chinese people are friendly. The atmosphere inside that office was horrible. I knew what they were up to and I was not in a position to tell other than the truth. I would never lie, anyway, as I am man of principle and lying is not part of my nature.
Zhang Le kept asking me questions and every time I tried to correct his misinterpretation he shouted at me and told me to be quiet. It was beginning to become serious. He was writing a statement of interview. I produced a record of my email communication with the government-sponsored agency in Beijing that had initially contacted me to ask me to come to Fujin to teach English. This obviously had no effect as neither of these two police had a good understanding of English. They were intent upon some other purpose.
She, the translator [she was uniformed by I could not identify her rank, but she was an older woman] asked me questions such as 'Do you think China is a dirty place?' and 'Why did you come to China?' and 'Do you think Chinese people are friendly?' and 'How old are you?' and 'How many children do you have?' ... the questions went on and on and on, repeating and changing course and I knew the techniques of interrogation. I was, of course, a former army intelligence officer and I knew about these techniques.
But I had nothing to hide. My demeanour was controlled as their grilling became more ludicrous and insulting. I was asked repeatedly for names of Liu Jie, the agency manager in Beijing; Zhou Chao; the principal of the school, etc., and dates. They kept getting the dates wrong and when I tried to correct them, Zhang Le shouted at me and kept me quiet. He continued to write his statement in Chinese. While he was writing, she asked me other questions that were personal.
'What are the ages of your children. How old are you? Why did you come to China. Do you think the Chinese people are friendly? What is the age of your youngest child? Your oldest child? Have you worked in China before?
There were so many questions that it would drain my emotions to write them all here. It would take me hours to repeat the entire interrogation.
Then it was finished. I had to be fingerprinted and have my fingerprints stamped on this record of interview. She had read in bad English her interpretation of the statement and although the facts were, as she said them, incoherent and illogically phrased, I was forced to fingerprint many parts of the statement, on each of the four pages, and to sign each page.
I had no recourse to legal advice; I had no access to the other members of our party, including Fujin's PSB representative [who had been in uniform at the opening of our school two days previous]. I was isolated and detained and not free to do anything of my own free will.
The ultimate indignity came when, after having signed the statement, I asked to relieve myself at the WC. They ignored me. I have a weak bladder and a nervous disposition when it comes to urination. I can never urinate in public. This has been a medical/psychological condition since I was a young man. In forty seven years I had never been able to urinate in public or in view of another person.
Finally after many protests from me I was taken under custody to the WC along the passage. It is a poor toilet in terms of hygiene. The woman's section was next to the man's an I was about to enter the woman's toilet when Zhang Le shouted at me to use the other. These two toilets occupied the same room. So I entered the men's toilet and tried to close the door to give myself privacy. Zhang Le came inside with me. I protested by waving my arms at him to leave. He ignored my request and instead indicated that he would turn his back. This was no good. I could not pee in his presence.
The toilet space was disgusting. Above my head was a sheet of plastic, like a shower curtain, suspended just above my head by a piece of wood. There was a leak from the toilet on the next floor [it was obviously the toilet area of each floor of the building] and this sheet of plastic was there to catch the leaks. It had been there quite a long time as it too leaked on anyone standing under it.
The floor of this toilet was being splashed from above and I was 'rained upon' from above.
So we returned to the same office and the interrogation process began again. I was then not in the mood to go along with them. I continued to protest, not about the interview, but about Zhang l
Le's toilet behaviour. I told them I had a shy disposition, that I needed to urinate, and hat I could not urinate in front of Zhang Le. I told them both that I was not a criminal and I needed to urinate in private.
She kept telling me that Zhang Le was not preventing me from urinating; that he went with me because I did not know the way. He went with me for my own protection. This was palpably a lie for I repeatedly told her that he stood inside the toilet with me and would not leave. She began to laugh at me. Other police entered the office from time to time and one woman police officer also began to laugh at me.
Every time I protested against this unseemly behaviour by the police, Zhang Le moved toward me in a threatening manner. When I stood up to show that I wanted to urinate, he shouted at me to sit. He waved his hands at me and his face was obviously in a dark mood and in English he told me 'stop!'. He knew a few words of English but his comprehension was very poor.
After two hours Zhou Chao entered office. He also had been interrogated by the police officer in plain clothes who first interrogated me. I told Zhou Chao about the toilet incident and to his great credit turned to Zhang Le and said hard words in Chinese to him.
Apparently while I was being interrogated, Zhou Chao had phoned the Mayor of Fujin about our predicament. The Mayor in turn phoned Fujin's head of the Public Security Bureau who, coincidentally was in Jiamusi at the time. The Fujin PSB head immediately came to this building and after some time Zhou Chao was released and he in turn came into the office where I was being interrogated and told me that my visa was being extended. The interrogation was over.
But I had not finished with Zhang Le. I told him that he had been wrong to deny me my toilet privacy and that the female police were rude and wrong in laughing at my medical condition. The female translator kept telling me that she was only doing her job and she had to do as her leader told her. She said this five times. It was now very apparent to everyone there that this whole unsavoury business had been carried too far; that I was a guest of the Fujin government and that Zhang Le had abused his authority.
I was photographed fo my visa extension, and offered no apology from anyone except Zhou Chao. He shouldered the blame.
I had been interrogated for two hours and detained against my will. I had been denied fundamental freedom to urinate privately.
The after we were released and out on the street again, we learned that the Fujin PSB head had told the PSB Fujin representative [who had accompanied us from Fujin to Jiamusi], to join him in a meeting there at Jiamusi for the following two or three hours. As we had brought her to Jiamusi, we obviously could not leave without her. But I would not sty in Jiamusi longer than was necessary and I said that I needed to return to Fujin because of my worsening medical and psychological condition. I could not eat with my nerves entangled as they were.
During the interrogation, the female translator repeatedly told me not to worry. She also repeated told me I had broken Chinese law. She repeated these two contradictory statements for two hours. Although I had never behaved in a subservient mood, nor had I challenged their authority to question me, I had become severely traumatised.
I had been told that I could not teach English while in China on a tourist visa. Yet I had been asking for my Z visa since my arrival, I had told the agency manager, Liu Jie, that I always came to China on a Z visa but she had told me that she was a government-sanctioned agent and that the government of Fujin had authorised my being there as a teacher and that the Z visa would be no trouble.
So what do I do now? On the one hand I have been asked to continue teaching and on the other I have the dreadful experience of that interrogation and the multiple warnings by the PSB not to teach.
My wife does not know about this yet; she has just purchased her ticket to China and is waiting her own tourist visa to travel to China.
I know that this experience will deter her from coming. I would not want her to go through what I have endured yesterday.
If this were any other country of the world that I know, I would now have recourse to justice and have Zhang Le severely punished for his actions and the PSB of Jiamusi would be under official scrutiny.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #9 on Dec 15, 2006, 7:23am »
That would have been a horrible experience! Do you have your Z-visa now? I would suggest that if your wife comes over, she flatly refuses to work at all until the visa is changed.
But my understanding is that now you can be detained for up to 2 WEEKS without any option to call the Embassy, family, friends or workplace to tell them where you are. 2 weeks of this sort of treament in a Chinese jail would not be my idea of fun.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #10 on Dec 15, 2006, 8:18am »
Mate, I'd be letting your Embassy know all the details in a hurry. Have a text message ready to send to someone in a hurry - either the Embassy or a friend - to let them know you are being interrogated again.
If it were me I'd be telling the nice people at the school to stick the job were the sun don't shine and beat feet south. There are plenty of other places and jobs were you don't have to put up with this pooe! Platitiudes and smiles from the school aside, it's you taht is responsible for having all the correct documentation - an you are the one who will ultimately pay the most severe price.
As one former intelligence officer to another - you KNOW no-one will cover your arse for you. Look out for number one!
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #11 on Dec 15, 2006, 9:42am »
Scary stuff, Temujinsky, and indeed I would not have expected this would happen in China these days.
You think you'd be coming back here anytime? I imagine you'd have had your fill of China for a while to come eh.
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« Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching English »
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Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching English
« Thread Started on Dec 9, 2006, 3:00am »
I was arrested in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, because I was teaching English at Fujin Bilingual Primary School. The Fujin Government had invited me to China [don't worry about Z visa as we will fix that for you] in a hurry to open their Bilingual primary School. After two weeks I was arrested by Public Security Bureau agents for illegally teaching on a tourist visa. We had gone to the PSB office in Jiamusi to begin the process of acquiring z visa and to extend my tourist visa until Z visa was acquired. I then found out that Fujin Government had no authority to employ a foreign teacher.
During the following three months the school showed that it had no idea of visas and no idea of foreigners.
After so much hassle and late pay and broken promises and lies and lies and lies I simply packed up my bags and caught the bus from the tip of north Heilongjiang to Harbin then by plane to Beijing and then to Hong Kong and then back to Sydney and then home to northern New South Wales.
During the arrest by three pipper Zheng Le at Jiamusi I was not allowed to go to the toilet for two hours and then only with Zheng Le standing next to me in their squalid toilet that had a shower curtain suspended by cords above the urinal. It seemed that the upstairs toilet leaked and this shower curtain was used to capture the dripping piss. All this piss remained in a stinking bubble above my head while I tried to urinate. I had to sway to avoid the stinking drip as I pissed.
The interrorgation [and it was a form of terrorism] lasted for over two hours and I was asked all sorts of questions that seemed irrelevant to the question of illegally teaching English. I found out later that Jiamusi police were allegedly infamous for torturing FD/FG followers.
I was released after the Fujin Government intervened and explained that they were seeking a Z visa for me. So by the end of three months and my tourist visa close to expiration and my Z visa nowhere in sight, I shoved off for home.
I am still owed my pay.
But the horror of Fujin and Jiamusi was enough.
Be sure you go to China on a Z visa. It is your only protection. I went on a tourist visa because the Fujin Government assured me they would fix everything. They had not a clue! And I was arrested and interrogated because of that.
Note: I edited this account very, very slightly, with an eye toward not getting us blocked...Raoul
« Last Edit: Dec 9, 2006, 11:13am by Raoul Duke » Link to Post - Back to Top Logged
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #1 on Dec 9, 2006, 11:17am »
An amazing and terrible story. I'm glad you got out okay, Temujinsky.
And I hope some of you involved in the F Visa debate will read this and take it to heart. This stuff really does happen, no matter what some people may tell you...
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #2 on Dec 9, 2006, 12:16pm »
The Chinese government changes its mind on the issue of Z visas and F visa upgrades more often than I change my underwear. (You may assume for sake of argument here that I am hygenic.) And getting a Z visa for a school without lots of connections is time-consuming and very expensive. This is why most schools would rather get a look at who will be teaching before going through the difficult, frustrating, slow and expensive process of getting a Z visa for a foreign teacher.
All this notwithstanding, anybody coming in on a tourist visa to any country and then staying to work would get treated pretty shabbily and would not have a lot of sympathy. The USA, for example, routinely ejects people working on tourist or student visas. Canada, too. So it should not be too great a surprise that China--world paragon of human rights that it is--isn't so keen on outside people breaking the law.
Yes. Again and again. GET YOUR STINKING Z VISA OR DON' T COME TO THE COUNTRY! It's in your own best interests, people getting away with it notwithstanding.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #3 on Dec 9, 2006, 6:57pm »
I'm currently in Shuangyashan which is only an hr by bus from Jiamusi. Everyone here tells me that "it's a bad city" and that "the people are bad". Until now I've taken it with a grain of salt, however, maybe there is some fountation to what they are saying
Thanks for the post Temujinsky.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #4 on Dec 9, 2006, 7:27pm »
i'm just wondering if TEMUJINSKY is still interested in coming back to China after all his "unfortunate" experiences...
I've used F visa for almost one year and my FAO will be issuing an invitation for me so i can process my working visa in the Philippines. but that would be 50/50 since the Phils. gov't is tough on this things. i might've to change my passport or go to hongkong to get a Z visa...
if it soent work out..i wont gamble AGAIN...
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Raoul Duke
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #5 on Dec 9, 2006, 11:35pm »
Might clarify one thing:
He was NOT arrested for teaching English. He was arrested for working in China without proper documentation. An important distinction.
It wasn't Temujinsky's fault. The school was operating outside the law, and how the hell was Temujinsky to know?
But he paid the price for it nevertheless...
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #6 on Dec 10, 2006, 3:06am »
Yes, forgive my headline hype...Raoul is right when he makes the distinction. Fujin was my third trip to China; two previous excursions were made on Z visas. The connection was made via a mob in Beijing who through a process of some thirty emails convinced me to throw away my insistence that I DO travel on Z visa because the school had an opening date and they wanted me there for that ... publicity photos, television, public figures, posterity and all that photos are plastered all over the school and I was famous for my many appearances on local Fujin I acquiesced and travelled on a tourist visa.
I extracted a written apology from the Fujin Government yet in that statement of mea culpa was an admission that I would be required to remain virtually in tourist visa Limbo until they sorted out the intricacies of Z visahood.
Oh, the school, in its infancy, tried to make things work. But the trouble lay in the weird authority structure of that region; no one had a good grasp on what was what and who was whom. And in the fact that no one wanted to be honest. Everyone had to lie.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #7 on Dec 10, 2006, 11:46am »
Quote:And in the fact that no one wanted to be honest. Everyone had to lie.
That's face rearing its ugly head.
In China saying "I don't know" is tantamount to saying "I am sexually impotent" or something. Nobody will ever tell you they don't know or understand something. They'll instead make poo up.
My wife, for example, when we're in a city she doesn't know, will ask for directions of several (at least three) people. When she gets two who say the same thing, she'll follow those directions. Because the other people? Are making stuff up.
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New Chum
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #8 on Dec 15, 2006, 2:30am »
Here are the full details:
A simple account of an extraordinary event:
Yesterday [14th September 2006] the school's [Fujin Bilingual Primary School, Heilongjiang] principal, head teacher, a member of Fujian's Public Security Bureau, Zhou Chao, Zhou Ming [the driver] and I travelled to Jiamusi to file documents pertaining to my employment as a teacher of English and to extend my visa while these documents were being processed. We went straight to the Jiamusi PSB for this.
Immediately upon entering the PSB building we were ushered into an office and suddenly the others were swept from the office and I was left alone with these two female members of the PSB. One was a translator and the other the chief of police [from what I could understand].
It was clear to me from the start that I was being 'grilled' for breaking the terms of my tourist visa by teaching at Fujin Bilingual Primary School.
I told them that I had been invited to Fujin by the Fujin government and that I was on a tourist visa due to the fact that I had been asked to travel quickly to Fujin to facilitate the September opening ceremony and to be in place for the students when the school began to operate.
They asked me who asked me to come to China and I told them many times that it was Zhou Chao and the entire Fujin community.
I was then moved from the 'visitors' chair to a chair in front of the police chief. She exited and another plain clothes policeman began to grill me again. I repeated what I had told the previous policewoman and he, too, exited, to be replaced by a nasty type.
This nasty type was nasty. His name is Zhang le and his number is 050150. He had three stars on his shoulder and he did not speak good English. He interrogated me in Chinese for two hours!
I told these two police [Zhang Le and the female translator] exactly what had happened to me since my arrival in China. Zhang Le continued to not understand what I was saying and she kept telling me that Chinese people are friendly. The atmosphere inside that office was horrible. I knew what they were up to and I was not in a position to tell other than the truth. I would never lie, anyway, as I am man of principle and lying is not part of my nature.
Zhang Le kept asking me questions and every time I tried to correct his misinterpretation he shouted at me and told me to be quiet. It was beginning to become serious. He was writing a statement of interview. I produced a record of my email communication with the government-sponsored agency in Beijing that had initially contacted me to ask me to come to Fujin to teach English. This obviously had no effect as neither of these two police had a good understanding of English. They were intent upon some other purpose.
She, the translator [she was uniformed by I could not identify her rank, but she was an older woman] asked me questions such as 'Do you think China is a dirty place?' and 'Why did you come to China?' and 'Do you think Chinese people are friendly?' and 'How old are you?' and 'How many children do you have?' ... the questions went on and on and on, repeating and changing course and I knew the techniques of interrogation. I was, of course, a former army intelligence officer and I knew about these techniques.
But I had nothing to hide. My demeanour was controlled as their grilling became more ludicrous and insulting. I was asked repeatedly for names of Liu Jie, the agency manager in Beijing; Zhou Chao; the principal of the school, etc., and dates. They kept getting the dates wrong and when I tried to correct them, Zhang Le shouted at me and kept me quiet. He continued to write his statement in Chinese. While he was writing, she asked me other questions that were personal.
'What are the ages of your children. How old are you? Why did you come to China. Do you think the Chinese people are friendly? What is the age of your youngest child? Your oldest child? Have you worked in China before?
There were so many questions that it would drain my emotions to write them all here. It would take me hours to repeat the entire interrogation.
Then it was finished. I had to be fingerprinted and have my fingerprints stamped on this record of interview. She had read in bad English her interpretation of the statement and although the facts were, as she said them, incoherent and illogically phrased, I was forced to fingerprint many parts of the statement, on each of the four pages, and to sign each page.
I had no recourse to legal advice; I had no access to the other members of our party, including Fujin's PSB representative [who had been in uniform at the opening of our school two days previous]. I was isolated and detained and not free to do anything of my own free will.
The ultimate indignity came when, after having signed the statement, I asked to relieve myself at the WC. They ignored me. I have a weak bladder and a nervous disposition when it comes to urination. I can never urinate in public. This has been a medical/psychological condition since I was a young man. In forty seven years I had never been able to urinate in public or in view of another person.
Finally after many protests from me I was taken under custody to the WC along the passage. It is a poor toilet in terms of hygiene. The woman's section was next to the man's an I was about to enter the woman's toilet when Zhang Le shouted at me to use the other. These two toilets occupied the same room. So I entered the men's toilet and tried to close the door to give myself privacy. Zhang Le came inside with me. I protested by waving my arms at him to leave. He ignored my request and instead indicated that he would turn his back. This was no good. I could not pee in his presence.
The toilet space was disgusting. Above my head was a sheet of plastic, like a shower curtain, suspended just above my head by a piece of wood. There was a leak from the toilet on the next floor [it was obviously the toilet area of each floor of the building] and this sheet of plastic was there to catch the leaks. It had been there quite a long time as it too leaked on anyone standing under it.
The floor of this toilet was being splashed from above and I was 'rained upon' from above.
So we returned to the same office and the interrogation process began again. I was then not in the mood to go along with them. I continued to protest, not about the interview, but about Zhang l
Le's toilet behaviour. I told them I had a shy disposition, that I needed to urinate, and hat I could not urinate in front of Zhang Le. I told them both that I was not a criminal and I needed to urinate in private.
She kept telling me that Zhang Le was not preventing me from urinating; that he went with me because I did not know the way. He went with me for my own protection. This was palpably a lie for I repeatedly told her that he stood inside the toilet with me and would not leave. She began to laugh at me. Other police entered the office from time to time and one woman police officer also began to laugh at me.
Every time I protested against this unseemly behaviour by the police, Zhang Le moved toward me in a threatening manner. When I stood up to show that I wanted to urinate, he shouted at me to sit. He waved his hands at me and his face was obviously in a dark mood and in English he told me 'stop!'. He knew a few words of English but his comprehension was very poor.
After two hours Zhou Chao entered office. He also had been interrogated by the police officer in plain clothes who first interrogated me. I told Zhou Chao about the toilet incident and to his great credit turned to Zhang Le and said hard words in Chinese to him.
Apparently while I was being interrogated, Zhou Chao had phoned the Mayor of Fujin about our predicament. The Mayor in turn phoned Fujin's head of the Public Security Bureau who, coincidentally was in Jiamusi at the time. The Fujin PSB head immediately came to this building and after some time Zhou Chao was released and he in turn came into the office where I was being interrogated and told me that my visa was being extended. The interrogation was over.
But I had not finished with Zhang Le. I told him that he had been wrong to deny me my toilet privacy and that the female police were rude and wrong in laughing at my medical condition. The female translator kept telling me that she was only doing her job and she had to do as her leader told her. She said this five times. It was now very apparent to everyone there that this whole unsavoury business had been carried too far; that I was a guest of the Fujin government and that Zhang Le had abused his authority.
I was photographed fo my visa extension, and offered no apology from anyone except Zhou Chao. He shouldered the blame.
I had been interrogated for two hours and detained against my will. I had been denied fundamental freedom to urinate privately.
The after we were released and out on the street again, we learned that the Fujin PSB head had told the PSB Fujin representative [who had accompanied us from Fujin to Jiamusi], to join him in a meeting there at Jiamusi for the following two or three hours. As we had brought her to Jiamusi, we obviously could not leave without her. But I would not sty in Jiamusi longer than was necessary and I said that I needed to return to Fujin because of my worsening medical and psychological condition. I could not eat with my nerves entangled as they were.
During the interrogation, the female translator repeatedly told me not to worry. She also repeated told me I had broken Chinese law. She repeated these two contradictory statements for two hours. Although I had never behaved in a subservient mood, nor had I challenged their authority to question me, I had become severely traumatised.
I had been told that I could not teach English while in China on a tourist visa. Yet I had been asking for my Z visa since my arrival, I had told the agency manager, Liu Jie, that I always came to China on a Z visa but she had told me that she was a government-sanctioned agent and that the government of Fujin had authorised my being there as a teacher and that the Z visa would be no trouble.
So what do I do now? On the one hand I have been asked to continue teaching and on the other I have the dreadful experience of that interrogation and the multiple warnings by the PSB not to teach.
My wife does not know about this yet; she has just purchased her ticket to China and is waiting her own tourist visa to travel to China.
I know that this experience will deter her from coming. I would not want her to go through what I have endured yesterday.
If this were any other country of the world that I know, I would now have recourse to justice and have Zhang Le severely punished for his actions and the PSB of Jiamusi would be under official scrutiny.
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #9 on Dec 15, 2006, 7:23am »
That would have been a horrible experience! Do you have your Z-visa now? I would suggest that if your wife comes over, she flatly refuses to work at all until the visa is changed.
But my understanding is that now you can be detained for up to 2 WEEKS without any option to call the Embassy, family, friends or workplace to tell them where you are. 2 weeks of this sort of treament in a Chinese jail would not be my idea of fun.
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Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe. ~Anatole France
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #10 on Dec 15, 2006, 8:18am »
Mate, I'd be letting your Embassy know all the details in a hurry. Have a text message ready to send to someone in a hurry - either the Embassy or a friend - to let them know you are being interrogated again.
If it were me I'd be telling the nice people at the school to stick the job were the sun don't shine and beat feet south. There are plenty of other places and jobs were you don't have to put up with this pooe! Platitiudes and smiles from the school aside, it's you taht is responsible for having all the correct documentation - an you are the one who will ultimately pay the most severe price.
As one former intelligence officer to another - you KNOW no-one will cover your arse for you. Look out for number one!
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Re: Teacher arrested in Jiamusi for teaching Engli
« Reply #11 on Dec 15, 2006, 9:42am »
Scary stuff, Temujinsky, and indeed I would not have expected this would happen in China these days.
You think you'd be coming back here anytime? I imagine you'd have had your fill of China for a while to come eh.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wang Quan: Captain Queeg of Huangshi
This so called college posits itself as being part of Hubei Normal University. It isn't. It is a private and fraudulently run institution that uses 'foreign teachers' as a marketing ploy to get optimistic parents to enrol their under-educated kids in the hope the result will be a degree from an overseas university.
My wife and I were contacted by a woman who calls herself Kelly [Xu Yan] and acts as the friendly face of a Captain Queeg character who sits nehind a closed door with the word Principal on it. One lie after another. No promises were fulfilled after we travelled from Australia to Huangshi in Hubei Province. I was initially led to a dungeon in the sky and told it was my accommodation. I refused it. My dogs would not be comfortable there I told Kelly. I was then put in a motel with leaking toilet that was never fixed. After that we were put into a flat outside the campus. A tiny elephant lived above us. We could never sleep. The fridge, washing machine, kettle etc didn't work The bed was a strip of wood with a sheet over it. The TV didn't work. Flying ants filled the flat. Construction began at 3am outside the flat.
The majority of the students couldn't speak any English, yet we were expected to teach them business management and half the classroom time was devoted to diary writing. The students hadn't a clue 5and this so called college couldn't give a care.
I was told to tell the college when I thought it needed advice. I did. They listened with smiles. Nothing was done. I resigned, gave more than a month's notice and was summarily sacked with no pay.
I saw a law firm. This law firm called itself Humanism Lawyers. They were in league with the college. Nothing was done. All were corruptly involved with one another.
Wang Quan is the name of the Principal of this International College of Hubei Normal University. He is the Captain Queeg of Academics. He doesn't look you in the eye. He has his minions do his dirty work.
Avoid this place, and avoid these people.
My wife and I were contacted by a woman who calls herself Kelly [Xu Yan] and acts as the friendly face of a Captain Queeg character who sits nehind a closed door with the word Principal on it. One lie after another. No promises were fulfilled after we travelled from Australia to Huangshi in Hubei Province. I was initially led to a dungeon in the sky and told it was my accommodation. I refused it. My dogs would not be comfortable there I told Kelly. I was then put in a motel with leaking toilet that was never fixed. After that we were put into a flat outside the campus. A tiny elephant lived above us. We could never sleep. The fridge, washing machine, kettle etc didn't work The bed was a strip of wood with a sheet over it. The TV didn't work. Flying ants filled the flat. Construction began at 3am outside the flat.
The majority of the students couldn't speak any English, yet we were expected to teach them business management and half the classroom time was devoted to diary writing. The students hadn't a clue 5and this so called college couldn't give a care.
I was told to tell the college when I thought it needed advice. I did. They listened with smiles. Nothing was done. I resigned, gave more than a month's notice and was summarily sacked with no pay.
I saw a law firm. This law firm called itself Humanism Lawyers. They were in league with the college. Nothing was done. All were corruptly involved with one another.
Wang Quan is the name of the Principal of this International College of Hubei Normal University. He is the Captain Queeg of Academics. He doesn't look you in the eye. He has his minions do his dirty work.
Avoid this place, and avoid these people.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What PS Guthrie thinks of Caoimh
HI, home again, jiggidy jig, below is my reply, sorry didn't have time to put it in letter form.
I'm slowly getting my act together to move baback to Oz, sometime late in the year.
More later,
To Who it May Concern,
following are answers to your questions regarding Mr Adrian Keefe
1. I have know my friend Adrian Keefe since 1962, I consider him to be of the highest integrity.
2. Adrian's greatest strengths are his intelligence, intellectual curiosity, tolerance and understanding of other cultures
3. Although I would not describe it as a weakness he can be introspective at times
4. Adrian reacts to constructive criticism in a positive way, sees it a a tool for growth, he does not have an obstructive ego.
5. Adrian is very adaptable, he flourishes when challenged and enjoys exploring newness.
6. I know Adrian to be goal oriented and dedicate to achieving results.
7. I consider Adrian to be a good leader and manager, he demonstrated this when he expanded a small trade store in the Papua New Guinea highlands into a multi million dollar trading complex, Further he demonstrated these qualities when he built schools in both Botswana and Papua New Guinea to expand educational opportunities for the local people, a remarkable achievement, a demonstration of his talent, single minded dedication to the task at hand, and his excellent management and organizational skills.
8. Adrian could not have achieved what he did in Botswana and Papua New Guinea without strong organizational skills, consistent character, strong sense of purpose, cultural sensitivity, and dedication to the job in hand. We knew Adrian could always be relied upon to finish the job, this was a certainty.
9. I would consider myself fortunate indeed to avail myself of Adrian Keefe's services in almost any undertaking, his positive attitude, sense of purpose, organizational and creative problem solving skills, his ability to work with others and to create a positive productive working environment are to be admired. He brings out the best in those around him.
Paul Guthrie
I'm slowly getting my act together to move baback to Oz, sometime late in the year.
More later,
To Who it May Concern,
following are answers to your questions regarding Mr Adrian Keefe
1. I have know my friend Adrian Keefe since 1962, I consider him to be of the highest integrity.
2. Adrian's greatest strengths are his intelligence, intellectual curiosity, tolerance and understanding of other cultures
3. Although I would not describe it as a weakness he can be introspective at times
4. Adrian reacts to constructive criticism in a positive way, sees it a a tool for growth, he does not have an obstructive ego.
5. Adrian is very adaptable, he flourishes when challenged and enjoys exploring newness.
6. I know Adrian to be goal oriented and dedicate to achieving results.
7. I consider Adrian to be a good leader and manager, he demonstrated this when he expanded a small trade store in the Papua New Guinea highlands into a multi million dollar trading complex, Further he demonstrated these qualities when he built schools in both Botswana and Papua New Guinea to expand educational opportunities for the local people, a remarkable achievement, a demonstration of his talent, single minded dedication to the task at hand, and his excellent management and organizational skills.
8. Adrian could not have achieved what he did in Botswana and Papua New Guinea without strong organizational skills, consistent character, strong sense of purpose, cultural sensitivity, and dedication to the job in hand. We knew Adrian could always be relied upon to finish the job, this was a certainty.
9. I would consider myself fortunate indeed to avail myself of Adrian Keefe's services in almost any undertaking, his positive attitude, sense of purpose, organizational and creative problem solving skills, his ability to work with others and to create a positive productive working environment are to be admired. He brings out the best in those around him.
Paul Guthrie
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wang Quan: Captain Queeg of Huangshi
School and Recruiter Reviews
International College Huangshi China
By:Adrian Keefe
Date: 17 May 2009
This so called college posits itself as being part of Hubei Normal University. It isn't. It is a private and fraudulently run institution that uses 'foreign teachers' as a marketing ploy to get optimistic parents to enrol their under-educated kids in the hope the result will be a degree from an overseas university.
My wife and I were contacted by a woman who calls herself Kelly [Xu Yan] and acts as the friendly face of a Captain Queeg character who sits nehind a closed door with the word Principal on it. One lie after another. No promises were fulfilled after we travelled from Australia to Huangshi in Hubei Province. I was initially led to a dungeon in the sky and told it was my accommodation. I refused it. My dogs would not be comfortable there I told Kelly. I was then put in a motel with leaking toilet that was never fixed. After that we were put into a flat outside the campus. A tiny elephant lived above us. We could never sleep. The fridge, washing machine, kettle etc didn't work The bed was a strip of wood with a sheet over it. The TV didn't work. Flying ants filled the flat. Construction began at 3am outside the flat.
The majority of the students couldn't speak any English, yet we were expected to teach them business management and half the classroom time was devoted to diary writing. The students hadn't a clue 5and this so called college couldn't give a care.
I was told to tell the college when I thought it needed advice. I did. They listened with smiles. Nothing was done. I resigned, gave more than a month's notice and was summarily sacked with no pay.
I saw a law firm. This law firm called itself Humanism Lawyers. They were in league with the college. Nothing was done. All were corruptly involved with one another.
Wang Quan is the name of the Principal of this International College of Hubei Normal University. He is the Captain Queeg of Academics. He doesn't look you in the eye. He has his minions do his dirty work.
Avoid this place, and avoid these people.
International College Huangshi China
By:Adrian Keefe
Date: 17 May 2009
This so called college posits itself as being part of Hubei Normal University. It isn't. It is a private and fraudulently run institution that uses 'foreign teachers' as a marketing ploy to get optimistic parents to enrol their under-educated kids in the hope the result will be a degree from an overseas university.
My wife and I were contacted by a woman who calls herself Kelly [Xu Yan] and acts as the friendly face of a Captain Queeg character who sits nehind a closed door with the word Principal on it. One lie after another. No promises were fulfilled after we travelled from Australia to Huangshi in Hubei Province. I was initially led to a dungeon in the sky and told it was my accommodation. I refused it. My dogs would not be comfortable there I told Kelly. I was then put in a motel with leaking toilet that was never fixed. After that we were put into a flat outside the campus. A tiny elephant lived above us. We could never sleep. The fridge, washing machine, kettle etc didn't work The bed was a strip of wood with a sheet over it. The TV didn't work. Flying ants filled the flat. Construction began at 3am outside the flat.
The majority of the students couldn't speak any English, yet we were expected to teach them business management and half the classroom time was devoted to diary writing. The students hadn't a clue 5and this so called college couldn't give a care.
I was told to tell the college when I thought it needed advice. I did. They listened with smiles. Nothing was done. I resigned, gave more than a month's notice and was summarily sacked with no pay.
I saw a law firm. This law firm called itself Humanism Lawyers. They were in league with the college. Nothing was done. All were corruptly involved with one another.
Wang Quan is the name of the Principal of this International College of Hubei Normal University. He is the Captain Queeg of Academics. He doesn't look you in the eye. He has his minions do his dirty work.
Avoid this place, and avoid these people.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
RANE: Most compelling work in years
From: Moderator 11/12/2002 1:27:04 PM
Subject: Your 2002 Best Books post id: 3053
Discussion is now open for your best books of the year. Please add your recommendations below, and remember to include the name of the author and publisher too.
: Jeffrey Millard 25/12/2002 8:55:33 AM
Subject: re: Your 2002 Best Books post id: 3067
The E Book 'RANE' by Adrian Keefe is the most compelling work I have seen in years. Horrible characters and vicious theme but it is extremely well written and I couldn't put it down. A graphic illustration of the Stolen generations but in a graphically savage manner.
From: Moderator 11/12/2002 1:27:04 PM
Subject: Your 2002 Best Books post id: 3053
Discussion is now open for your best books of the year. Please add your recommendations below, and remember to include the name of the author and publisher too.
: Jeffrey Millard 25/12/2002 8:55:33 AM
Subject: re: Your 2002 Best Books post id: 3067
The E Book 'RANE' by Adrian Keefe is the most compelling work I have seen in years. Horrible characters and vicious theme but it is extremely well written and I couldn't put it down. A graphic illustration of the Stolen generations but in a graphically savage manner.
Sideburns: The Tribal Australian
>Adrian Keefe: The Logies!</span> I am amazed at how tribal Australian TV viewers and others really are. Take a look at sideburns...even bald men wear sideburns. Little patches of hair in front of the ears. Rove's haircut. Would anyone willingly wear such a ridiculous style if it were not for the tribal mind? Follow the leader ... except we do never know who the leader is. We just follow."
>Adrian Keefe: The Logies!</span> I am amazed at how tribal Australian TV viewers and others really are. Take a look at sideburns...even bald men wear sideburns. Little patches of hair in front of the ears. Rove's haircut. Would anyone willingly wear such a ridiculous style if it were not for the tribal mind? Follow the leader ... except we do never know who the leader is. We just follow."
Howard's Complicity in War Crimes
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
28 July 2004
Issue No. 700
Reader's corner
Howard's complicity
Sir-- Consensus is growing in Australia that our Prime Minister John "Coward" Howard should be tried for war crimes.
That a grudge against Saddam Hussein by George W Bush is construed by others as a legitimate cause for invasion and pre-emptive war, is sufficient indication that the invasion of Iraq was morally and politically indefensible. Bush was quoted as saying that "Saddam tried to kill my Daddy" and Coward Howard, as he is known in Australia, was known to be fully supportive of this emotional claptrap. Thus, the invasion and terrible suffering for Iraqis.
Australian Muslims and non-Muslims abhor this conflict; only fools and thieves relish this war.
Adrian Keefe
28 July 2004
Issue No. 700
Reader's corner
Howard's complicity
Sir-- Consensus is growing in Australia that our Prime Minister John "Coward" Howard should be tried for war crimes.
That a grudge against Saddam Hussein by George W Bush is construed by others as a legitimate cause for invasion and pre-emptive war, is sufficient indication that the invasion of Iraq was morally and politically indefensible. Bush was quoted as saying that "Saddam tried to kill my Daddy" and Coward Howard, as he is known in Australia, was known to be fully supportive of this emotional claptrap. Thus, the invasion and terrible suffering for Iraqis.
Australian Muslims and non-Muslims abhor this conflict; only fools and thieves relish this war.
Adrian Keefe
Deakin University Alumni
Deakin University
Alumni home
Deakin home > Alumni
Adrian Keefe (Master of Arts 1994 and Bachelor of Arts 1992) who has spent the last few years teaching in Asia.
’Apart from growing older and laughing more and more, I've been teaching in China for five years, a year in Oman and recently in Bangladesh.’
’I have shied away from the cities and concentrated on the rural areas and have been rewarded with the songs and merriment of humble farmers and fisher folk - could not have done it without Deakin !’ Mr Keefe said.
Alumni home
Deakin home > Alumni
Adrian Keefe (Master of Arts 1994 and Bachelor of Arts 1992) who has spent the last few years teaching in Asia.
’Apart from growing older and laughing more and more, I've been teaching in China for five years, a year in Oman and recently in Bangladesh.’
’I have shied away from the cities and concentrated on the rural areas and have been rewarded with the songs and merriment of humble farmers and fisher folk - could not have done it without Deakin !’ Mr Keefe said.
Coober Pedy News 31 October 2003
Coober Pedy News No. 43
31 October 2003
Letters to Editor
Archived copy
We urge Australians to replace plastic bags with hand-made Papua New Guinea bilums.
This helps our environment and it encourages a bilum-led economy for Indigenous Peoples of PNG.
Instead of plying Papua New Guinea with aid money, we Australians can buy bilums and invigorate a home-based industry in the villages of our closest neighbour.
Adrian Keefe
Replace plastic bags with PNG bilums
31 October 2003
Letters to Editor
Archived copy
We urge Australians to replace plastic bags with hand-made Papua New Guinea bilums.
This helps our environment and it encourages a bilum-led economy for Indigenous Peoples of PNG.
Instead of plying Papua New Guinea with aid money, we Australians can buy bilums and invigorate a home-based industry in the villages of our closest neighbour.
Adrian Keefe
Replace plastic bags with PNG bilums
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Channel Nine to me
show details 11:35 (1 hour ago)
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How the Nine Pins have collapsed!
To view your comment online go to:,,25445951-5001021,00.html
show details 11:35 (1 hour ago)
Your comment has been published:
How the Nine Pins have collapsed!
To view your comment online go to:,,25445951-5001021,00.html
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Slight Essence of Socialism among Greedy to me
show details 06:49 (49 minutes ago)
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Yea for the Rudd government. It is about time a slight essence of socialism appeared in our greedy capitalist society.
To view your comment online go to:,,25435724-5001021,00.html
show details 06:49 (49 minutes ago)
Your comment has been published:
Yea for the Rudd government. It is about time a slight essence of socialism appeared in our greedy capitalist society.
To view your comment online go to:,,25435724-5001021,00.html
Like fungus on old shit
Hi Mario
You know that I was a platoon commander during the Vietnam War period and that I was a specialist in ambush and dirty war. I became a so-called expert in guerrilla warfare and was appointed battalion instructor at our famous JTC [Jungle Warfare Centre] at Canungra. The Yanks reckoned we had it right when it came to dealing with the enemy.
I wrote a thesis on Mao Zedong so was to be able to understand the nature of the war game of the Vietnamese. That research taught me much about the Chinese. And that was in 68/9/70.
The Art of War by Sun Tsu is a classic and it still remains the bible for indirect warfare.
While Europeans and Americans followed Jomini and Clauswitz, the Eastern people followed Sun Tsu. It remains so! Subterfuge is the name of the game and I learned to play it long ago. I play it well with these people. So far my smile has been pasted on my face longer than they have had theirs.
Starting university at age 45 had its benefits, Mario. By that age I was able to remain at my books longer than I could have at age 18-22. I am now 64 and do 60 pushups each morning, just to keep my pectorals in shape. Today I shoved three young Chinese back as I was emerging from a lift. It was easy. They fell backward as if they were cheese sandwiches. They were entering the lift before we emerged. You know how they are; no manners, no fucking common sense. I still the idiots with my eyes in class and they think I am a devil. They laugh when I am humourous and they play my game. But when we are out of the classroom they return to form and cling together like fungus on old shit.
My novel RANE spells my philosophy and I hold nothing sacred. You and I and your family [bless them] have a reality that is refreshing and I admire you for the way your offspring behave. If you knew our [Caron and mine] five kids you would also say the same to me and to Caron.
If you could achieve a miracle and Caron and I end up in your world I would be happy as Larry. I am sick of this putty life and I need a bit of cement.
Keep well
You know that I was a platoon commander during the Vietnam War period and that I was a specialist in ambush and dirty war. I became a so-called expert in guerrilla warfare and was appointed battalion instructor at our famous JTC [Jungle Warfare Centre] at Canungra. The Yanks reckoned we had it right when it came to dealing with the enemy.
I wrote a thesis on Mao Zedong so was to be able to understand the nature of the war game of the Vietnamese. That research taught me much about the Chinese. And that was in 68/9/70.
The Art of War by Sun Tsu is a classic and it still remains the bible for indirect warfare.
While Europeans and Americans followed Jomini and Clauswitz, the Eastern people followed Sun Tsu. It remains so! Subterfuge is the name of the game and I learned to play it long ago. I play it well with these people. So far my smile has been pasted on my face longer than they have had theirs.
Starting university at age 45 had its benefits, Mario. By that age I was able to remain at my books longer than I could have at age 18-22. I am now 64 and do 60 pushups each morning, just to keep my pectorals in shape. Today I shoved three young Chinese back as I was emerging from a lift. It was easy. They fell backward as if they were cheese sandwiches. They were entering the lift before we emerged. You know how they are; no manners, no fucking common sense. I still the idiots with my eyes in class and they think I am a devil. They laugh when I am humourous and they play my game. But when we are out of the classroom they return to form and cling together like fungus on old shit.
My novel RANE spells my philosophy and I hold nothing sacred. You and I and your family [bless them] have a reality that is refreshing and I admire you for the way your offspring behave. If you knew our [Caron and mine] five kids you would also say the same to me and to Caron.
If you could achieve a miracle and Caron and I end up in your world I would be happy as Larry. I am sick of this putty life and I need a bit of cement.
Keep well
Monday, May 4, 2009
International College: Principal's lack of principle
Hi Jurina
Gee it's good to see your name on my screen.
For a while I thought maybe you'd given up on us. This biz with the
transferability from Hubei to Guangdong ... it seemed to have
diminished our [Caron's and mine] prospects of ever settling down with
you in Baiyun.
We have responses from four sets of law firms; all four of them point
to our being served a huge plate of injustice by the folk at the
International College here. We have met with the senior lawyer of the
local Huangshi law firm and now we have our original contracts and are
able to proceed via the Chinese governmental authorities in squaring
with this college. Furthermore, a Guangzhou law firm is also acting
for us and is sending a letter of demand for proper payment and breach
monies [RMB17000 in all] to the college principal.
Concomitantly I am making alternative arrangements to return home to
Australia if all this doesn't work out. If it does, and I am assured
it will, then the only obstacle is this 'letter of reference' which
you tell me is necessary for you to continue with our contract with
you. It is a moot point that this college should hold this
transferability over our heads.
So you see, Jurina, we have achieved much this past few days; but we
need to have assurances that we can proceed to English School without
hassle even if this college holds back with this letter of reference,
seeing that it should be judged in breach of contract and in breach of
Chinese law.
Let me know further what your province thinks of that, please, as I
need to go one way or the other, to you or to home.
Gee it's good to see your name on my screen.
For a while I thought maybe you'd given up on us. This biz with the
transferability from Hubei to Guangdong ... it seemed to have
diminished our [Caron's and mine] prospects of ever settling down with
you in Baiyun.
We have responses from four sets of law firms; all four of them point
to our being served a huge plate of injustice by the folk at the
International College here. We have met with the senior lawyer of the
local Huangshi law firm and now we have our original contracts and are
able to proceed via the Chinese governmental authorities in squaring
with this college. Furthermore, a Guangzhou law firm is also acting
for us and is sending a letter of demand for proper payment and breach
monies [RMB17000 in all] to the college principal.
Concomitantly I am making alternative arrangements to return home to
Australia if all this doesn't work out. If it does, and I am assured
it will, then the only obstacle is this 'letter of reference' which
you tell me is necessary for you to continue with our contract with
you. It is a moot point that this college should hold this
transferability over our heads.
So you see, Jurina, we have achieved much this past few days; but we
need to have assurances that we can proceed to English School without
hassle even if this college holds back with this letter of reference,
seeing that it should be judged in breach of contract and in breach of
Chinese law.
Let me know further what your province thinks of that, please, as I
need to go one way or the other, to you or to home.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Letter to Herbert in China
Zao shang hao!
I enjoy our little correspondence, Herbert. Sometimes I feel we have
something in common and that is a fair understanding of our world of
education in China. But when you mention Oral English, I know you
don't really know me or have not digested my background sufficiently.
I do not teach oral English. I think I have progressed far beyond that
I am a specialist in our language. I am a writer. I correct the
English of professors. It's as simple as that.
One doesn't drop from DOS, Course Director, Teacher Trainer to a mere
recent undergraduate looking for a holiday in China! My age belies my
energy, my good health, my abilities with students. If your Dean
hasn't the strength of purpose actually to look at my resume and
realise my value then we both are wasting our time. Your Dean seems
not to be as perspicacious as he should be. Otherwise he would invest
in me.
It's time I went home to Australia. China is emerging not only as a
true superpower but its arrogance is becoming stifling.
I regret that even you, Herbert, have displayed this odious trait. We
love China. We hate seeing it becoming somethink akin to America, but
it's happening all too fast.
Zai jian
I enjoy our little correspondence, Herbert. Sometimes I feel we have
something in common and that is a fair understanding of our world of
education in China. But when you mention Oral English, I know you
don't really know me or have not digested my background sufficiently.
I do not teach oral English. I think I have progressed far beyond that
I am a specialist in our language. I am a writer. I correct the
English of professors. It's as simple as that.
One doesn't drop from DOS, Course Director, Teacher Trainer to a mere
recent undergraduate looking for a holiday in China! My age belies my
energy, my good health, my abilities with students. If your Dean
hasn't the strength of purpose actually to look at my resume and
realise my value then we both are wasting our time. Your Dean seems
not to be as perspicacious as he should be. Otherwise he would invest
in me.
It's time I went home to Australia. China is emerging not only as a
true superpower but its arrogance is becoming stifling.
I regret that even you, Herbert, have displayed this odious trait. We
love China. We hate seeing it becoming somethink akin to America, but
it's happening all too fast.
Zai jian
Friday, May 1, 2009
Who is this Captain Queeg?
Thanks Gay but am not asking you for help but am informing you of what a rotten situation I've put us in. No fault of mine but this Captain Queeg of a college boss is a closet queen who sits in his office and has his minions perform his odious and psychotic acts of retribution. From the start I picked him for a goose and from day one our life together [Careon's and mine] has been a constant drama, moving from stage to stage, sidestepping broken promises and ethically dreadful performances that are set to deprive parents of fees that are paid to the college in the forlorn hope that their hopelessly undereducated sons and daughters may some day get to study in a foreign university. It is simply fraudulent.
We had set ourselves up expecting to be here for some time and now we have been robbed not only of our salary but so much else..we have all this gear that we cannot ship out back to Oz and cannot move to another university cos of the law here which gives our lives to this stinking college.
We had set ourselves up expecting to be here for some time and now we have been robbed not only of our salary but so much else..we have all this gear that we cannot ship out back to Oz and cannot move to another university cos of the law here which gives our lives to this stinking college.
Things of family
Hi Mario
I thought you may have rushed your reading, and I was to have told you the anguish of having my sister and her husband on death row back in 1993. I was doing my Masters that year and I don't know how I managed to finish it with that hanging about my pun! Gay was acquitted and Mandela commuted Clive' death sentence to life. We as a family have been suffering the distant trauma since then. They are family and Gay and I are sister and brother; our mother died from cancer when I was small and Gay became my mum, so to speak. It was she who invited me to RSA in 66 and because of Gay Caron and I are together.
Yes, we are close and I met Clive in 87 during a brief visit to see my son Chris.
I think you may have been on the wrong track because of your reading; I am so staunchly anti-racist I devoted seven years of post grad research into racism. My novel RANE is about racism and its scourge. I studied the hate groups of the USA, Israel, South Africa and our own despicable past in Australia.
Caron and I risked twenty years gaol in South African prisons by illegally taking my son Chris from RSA to Oz in 1977. Long story there and the courts sent him back to RSA. I did it to remove him from a racist environment in RSA. I had him born in Oz in 1973 so as to give him an Oz birth certificate and not a South African one. I foresaw the collapse of apartheid and the stigma of being South African during those hideous times.
Our [yours and mine] knowledge of China and the Chinese is not racist but realist; realistic of their inherent racism, not of ours.
You may also have mis-read my resume. Indeed, you have drawn a conclusion far wide of the mark. I am so non-specialist that having no special training or experience has been the bane of my working life; so much so that in 1989 I was unemployable because of it. I then began school again, having left school at age 15 to join the navy. So from 89 to 01 I did full time university, all of it behind a computer, not going to one single on campus lecture. Caron has done the same with twelve years devoted to off campus property study. We moved fourteen times, buying and selling our place of residence to pay for our lives cos there was no tax on profit from selling one's own home. We travelled from southern Oz to the far north and back again, doing this, studying and it was during this time that one rainy morning at 5.23 I heard on the radio that Clive had been arrested for Chris Hani's murder. Walus already had been arrested days earlier. Then the big shock came later with Gay's arrest. The trials and the acquittal of Gay and the death sentence for Clive. I read the complete trial transcripts... miles and miles of pages.
Loyalty is an honourable trait and we as a family have remained loyal to Gay and Clive, despite the wide differences we have on things of race. No one wants a sister or her husband hanged. It is an extreme emotional thing. And we all have shared in the grief, no matter what.
My son Chris is and has been back in RSA since the courts returned him there in 77 and he came to Oz in 93 the year of Hani's murder and since then I haven't seen him but have remained close through the magic of telecommunications.
I despise the notion of RSA and its hypocrisy and the only notion of returning is to have Caron reunite with Rita and Pete Snyman. But I don't think that is to be now as this present drama has robbed us of this chance. I wanted it to be, to also see Chris my son, to see Gay and Clive, and to know that after over a quarter of a century Caron finally did meet again with her SA family.
Conspiracy? Mario, that word is a con. There was no conspiracy. That I do know. I am family, so is my brother and he is a lawyer in Sydney. Clive was shocked when Walus killed Hani but has stood by Walus ever since, even to the point of execution. This you should know!!!!!!
Walus took it upon himself to start the revolution. It was the talk at braais, at dinners, all over conservative South Africa at the time. It was the atmosphere of Eugene Terreblanche and all those idiots dressed in Boer costumes. Everyone was caught up in it. If it were a conspiracy then half of white South Africa was involved. Everyone feared Hani. Most of the ANC feared that murderous thug. If you knew of his activities in the ANC training camps in Zambia you would understand why I did not shed a tear at his murder. He was himself a brutal murdering thug and was responsible for the deaths of perhaps hundreds of fellow ANC members and deserters. Hani was the Mao Zedong of the ANC and even Mandela and Mbeki did not want Hani to be the El Supremo of the ANC. They hated one another.
I told you I had training in guerrilla warfare; that included intelligence and I was privy to much Int during those days. Conspiracy? That is a joke. It is still a part of the SACP ethos to prolong this adulation of Hani and the perpetuation of Hani's credo to keep the SACP together as a viable force in RSA politics, especially after the collapse of Communism in the European world.
I admire Clive for his loyalty to poor stupid Walus. Never once has Clive put that clown down. Everyone gave one another guns in those days. During the 70s I carried one. I knew the carnage that the communists would create to gain power...through the gun, as Mao once or millions of times said. It is strange that today Zuma is to be the next president. He still sings of murder at his rallies, dances to death, as it were. But he at least has visited Clive twice, met with Gay, actually practises reconciliation! And he is an enemy of Mugabe and that makes Zuma my friend. It is Mugabe who needs the proverbial bullet these days and I am surprised he is still alive.
I was in Rhodesia during the early 70s, working all over the place [never mind the CV] and I personally saw the ravages of Mugabe's actions against his fellow Rhodesians. He is the most evil man in modern African history. And Hani was just the same.
But in saying all this, nothing justifies murder. Nothing. And that includes the electric chair, state executions, assassinations et al. China and the USA head the world in this field and both nations should be condemned for it.
I thought you may have rushed your reading, and I was to have told you the anguish of having my sister and her husband on death row back in 1993. I was doing my Masters that year and I don't know how I managed to finish it with that hanging about my pun! Gay was acquitted and Mandela commuted Clive' death sentence to life. We as a family have been suffering the distant trauma since then. They are family and Gay and I are sister and brother; our mother died from cancer when I was small and Gay became my mum, so to speak. It was she who invited me to RSA in 66 and because of Gay Caron and I are together.
Yes, we are close and I met Clive in 87 during a brief visit to see my son Chris.
I think you may have been on the wrong track because of your reading; I am so staunchly anti-racist I devoted seven years of post grad research into racism. My novel RANE is about racism and its scourge. I studied the hate groups of the USA, Israel, South Africa and our own despicable past in Australia.
Caron and I risked twenty years gaol in South African prisons by illegally taking my son Chris from RSA to Oz in 1977. Long story there and the courts sent him back to RSA. I did it to remove him from a racist environment in RSA. I had him born in Oz in 1973 so as to give him an Oz birth certificate and not a South African one. I foresaw the collapse of apartheid and the stigma of being South African during those hideous times.
Our [yours and mine] knowledge of China and the Chinese is not racist but realist; realistic of their inherent racism, not of ours.
You may also have mis-read my resume. Indeed, you have drawn a conclusion far wide of the mark. I am so non-specialist that having no special training or experience has been the bane of my working life; so much so that in 1989 I was unemployable because of it. I then began school again, having left school at age 15 to join the navy. So from 89 to 01 I did full time university, all of it behind a computer, not going to one single on campus lecture. Caron has done the same with twelve years devoted to off campus property study. We moved fourteen times, buying and selling our place of residence to pay for our lives cos there was no tax on profit from selling one's own home. We travelled from southern Oz to the far north and back again, doing this, studying and it was during this time that one rainy morning at 5.23 I heard on the radio that Clive had been arrested for Chris Hani's murder. Walus already had been arrested days earlier. Then the big shock came later with Gay's arrest. The trials and the acquittal of Gay and the death sentence for Clive. I read the complete trial transcripts... miles and miles of pages.
Loyalty is an honourable trait and we as a family have remained loyal to Gay and Clive, despite the wide differences we have on things of race. No one wants a sister or her husband hanged. It is an extreme emotional thing. And we all have shared in the grief, no matter what.
My son Chris is and has been back in RSA since the courts returned him there in 77 and he came to Oz in 93 the year of Hani's murder and since then I haven't seen him but have remained close through the magic of telecommunications.
I despise the notion of RSA and its hypocrisy and the only notion of returning is to have Caron reunite with Rita and Pete Snyman. But I don't think that is to be now as this present drama has robbed us of this chance. I wanted it to be, to also see Chris my son, to see Gay and Clive, and to know that after over a quarter of a century Caron finally did meet again with her SA family.
Conspiracy? Mario, that word is a con. There was no conspiracy. That I do know. I am family, so is my brother and he is a lawyer in Sydney. Clive was shocked when Walus killed Hani but has stood by Walus ever since, even to the point of execution. This you should know!!!!!!
Walus took it upon himself to start the revolution. It was the talk at braais, at dinners, all over conservative South Africa at the time. It was the atmosphere of Eugene Terreblanche and all those idiots dressed in Boer costumes. Everyone was caught up in it. If it were a conspiracy then half of white South Africa was involved. Everyone feared Hani. Most of the ANC feared that murderous thug. If you knew of his activities in the ANC training camps in Zambia you would understand why I did not shed a tear at his murder. He was himself a brutal murdering thug and was responsible for the deaths of perhaps hundreds of fellow ANC members and deserters. Hani was the Mao Zedong of the ANC and even Mandela and Mbeki did not want Hani to be the El Supremo of the ANC. They hated one another.
I told you I had training in guerrilla warfare; that included intelligence and I was privy to much Int during those days. Conspiracy? That is a joke. It is still a part of the SACP ethos to prolong this adulation of Hani and the perpetuation of Hani's credo to keep the SACP together as a viable force in RSA politics, especially after the collapse of Communism in the European world.
I admire Clive for his loyalty to poor stupid Walus. Never once has Clive put that clown down. Everyone gave one another guns in those days. During the 70s I carried one. I knew the carnage that the communists would create to gain power...through the gun, as Mao once or millions of times said. It is strange that today Zuma is to be the next president. He still sings of murder at his rallies, dances to death, as it were. But he at least has visited Clive twice, met with Gay, actually practises reconciliation! And he is an enemy of Mugabe and that makes Zuma my friend. It is Mugabe who needs the proverbial bullet these days and I am surprised he is still alive.
I was in Rhodesia during the early 70s, working all over the place [never mind the CV] and I personally saw the ravages of Mugabe's actions against his fellow Rhodesians. He is the most evil man in modern African history. And Hani was just the same.
But in saying all this, nothing justifies murder. Nothing. And that includes the electric chair, state executions, assassinations et al. China and the USA head the world in this field and both nations should be condemned for it.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Chinese sea skippers scupper Chinese road hogs
If only the drivers and riders of motor bikes and motor cars on the streets of China
could be as mature as the skippers of boats and ships on the sea lanes of China.
This Australian Laoshi finds it difficult to equate the two as from the same place.
In your earlier column you speak of discipline and freedom [Elaborating on freedom
and discipline; April 24, 2009] and you espouse a balance between the two.
For the life of me, I cannot see any balance on the streets of China. Once behind the
motor vehicle, the Chinese become something else, and I can understand Jackie Chan's
point of view. There needs to be an imposition of control from somewhere, for there
seems to be little innate discipline exhibited by the arrogant and ruthless users of
vehicles on China"s streets.
Maybe these motorised "thugs" could learn a lesson from the civilised seamen who
navigate China"s sea lanes?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We are living in a movie
We are, indeed, reliving a movie. Everything we do is copied from movies. The way we talk, the way we hold guns, the way we think we are in movies. I often wonder how we'd be were it not for movies.
DT 27 Apr 09
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Chinese road hogs
If only the drivers and riders of motor bikes and motor cars on the streets of China could be as mature as the skippers of boats and ships on the sea lanes of China. This Australian Laoshi finds it difficult to equate the two as from the same place. In your earlier column you speak of discipline and freedom [Elaborating on freedom and discipline; April 24, 2009] and you espouse a balance between the two. For the life of me, I cannot see any balance on the streets of China. Once behind the motor vehicle, the Chinese become something else, and I can understand Jackie Chan's point of view. There needs to be an imposition of control from somewhere, for there seems to be little innate discipline exhibited by the arrogant and ruthless users of vehicles on China's streets. Maybe these motorised 'thugs' could learn a lesson from the civilised seamen who navigate China's sea lanes?
Peoples Daily April 26 2009
The Chinese Thug Boat
We are, as usual, having a rough time in China. This place is getting worse as the new generation of spoilt brats has taken to the footpaths and behind motor cars and moving toward eventual power. Even our mandarin-speaking PM is set to build our defence force. I am quickly changing my attitude toward China; in the past five years we have seen this place change from a nation mouthing peace to a thug oriented mentality
There are the usual wonderful Chinese but the shift is palpable. You feel it in the streets, or on the streets, and the words and looks of uni students tell it all.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Words should not be criminal offences
| show details 06:40 (7 hours ago) |
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Disgraceful! Words should not be criminal offences. This applies to Thai kings, Israeli hypocrites, vengeful neighbours and bikie gangs.
It is time the world got over its hyper-sensitivity. To jail a woman for two years because ...the reason is beyond a joke..the reason itself is criminal; criminal in that humans should need to create such a disgraceful law!!!
That the world is not up in arms about this case begs the question: what has become of us as a cooperative world community?
To view your comment online go to:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Return to Australia
My friend
Xu yan
Yesterday we had a good talk; you are as I wrote, a warm person and a decent person.
I told you of the sexual assault on my wife; that she walks approx 20 km to and from college when she has split shifts [in morning and afternoon] and the veins in her legs suffer badly from this walking and then standing in class.
Yesterday in front of the university gates I was hit by a car driven by a man entering the university. He stopped and put his head out of the window but did not get out to see if I was injured. The car seemed to be a university member's car.
My letter to you is affixed below this: I am not sleeping as life here is very disturbing and both of us are severely depressed. The people above us seem not to care about the noise they make and we can't make a home here when we can't even relax with the thumping above our heads. The building itself is riddled with ants in the walls; flying ants and the walls are seeping with ant refuse. If there were to be a mild tremor I would suggest that this building is not safe. You have to be here to believe how fragile is its structure. We both know building from our training and experience.
What I wrote in the letter to you still stands and despite what we seemed to conclude yesterday I feel that we don't have the conditions by which we can continue working and living in Huangshi. I therefore think it is time to give you notice.
You may have indicated that I control the courses but as a foreigner teaching here my task [and Qi Kailin's] is continually undermined by the structural presence of Chinese staff to whom the students go when they encounter language difficulties with us. With this in place it is a known academic fact that language training requires immersion and not mere teaching.
I have no longer the energy and interest to keep trying to persuade this college of our position, both work-wise and accommodation-wise. Simply put: notice of intention to return to Australia, with the term of notice to be discussed by you and me at 9.30am today [Friday].
Talk to you at 9.30
An Derui
Ni hao
Both you and Lifen have heard my opinion re study skills and both of you agree. As for the diaries no one has told the students not to do them; but I have told the students exactly what I think of the diaries ...simply doing the diaries does not absolve the students from actually doing the work. So many of them think that once the diaries are completed [and frankly very few diaries are worth reading!] then their study is complete. I have been battling hard against this lethargy. It is a fault of the course itself to have the diaries included.
I have tried to text Zhou Li of my thinking; but my text failed. It is this: As far as I am concerned, the diaries are a total waste of time and if anyone took the time to look at the diaries and was honest they would agree with me. I will not continue this farce, Xu yan and I have indicated my philosophy on this to the students. I will not be hypocritical and go back on my principles. I have engaged the students so far from 803 on an exercise on the merits of English teaching against the merits of Study Skills teaching and the verdict, according to the students of 803, is that English is by far more important to them than SS.
I have examined the diaries to date and frankly they are worthless and they do nothing to improve the study skills of any of the students. I will not take part in this farce any longer and that is my final word on the subject. My wife is also engaged on pathetic bureaucratic nonsense that is taking up so many of her home hours; she works till midnight on material that has not been explained to her and she learns from rejection rather than from explanation. This is not the way to manage academic material.
I don't care what you say, Xu yan. I have seen enough of this college to realise how farcical things are and most of it is pretence and the advancement of the students is a joke.
I have been here in China five times and this time is the joke of a lifetime. If you truly want decent and honest teaching you will not perpetrate dishonest teaching and you certainly will not get me involved in such academic fraud.
Zhou Li intervened in one of my classes and got the students of 804 to write diaries and the result is a joke. The course material was not given to the students before I came and I had to get something for them to work on and still they have no decent written material that can work within a Chinese context and help them to prepare for exams. I have worked from a different angle, inculcating within them a sense of achievement rather than simply writing nonsense that eventually means stuff all.
I will concentrate on their very poor English skills and within this their study skills will improve; but if you need a fool of a foreigner to legitimise the NCC requirements then get yourself someone else. I will not do it.
An Derui
Adrian Keefe MA [Lit]
International College
Hubei Normal University
82 Cihu Road
Huangshi Hubei 435002
People's Republic of China
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