Owen the pirate with eye patch and Bristolian arrrrrrgh accent... I knew a pervert at the Cross...named Johnny Patch... and he delighted in getting the innocent tarts into the cot and during climax remove the patch and frighten the shits outta the girl. He was a psychopath ... all of us were wary of Johnny Patch. I can't imagine you in the same light. It's drastic news. I hope tis not come to this.
I am glad finally I didn't get the teacher's job at Kopen. The place, judging by little evidence I'd had and now conclusively with your words that Enga was still at the bottom of the pit. They led me along a narrow ledge, and there was a large mob of Engans with me, fostering my belief that I'd actually been hired to teach. They operate in bubbles and don't seem to know what the others are doing. Ben phones and asks when I am in Wabag. Even the assist administrator was insisting I get up there pronto.
Most likely I will be here that time. But these past many years have opened up the world and I've been flying everywhere for free; now I may have thrombosis hassles largely aided by too much cramp in economy flights back and forth ... and because my family line has various amounts of arterial thingos.
But the house here is a good place to be when you want to .... stop... be apart from ...
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