Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Zao shang hao

In 1968 I wrote a military thesis on Mao Zedong. While researching I discovered that China was drawing me into its world, its history and culture, and its future.

Back then I declared: China is the future!

In 2004 I made my first of seven journeys to China and I have been back every year since.

China is an incredible place. Make no mistake about this: China is so interesting and varied that a thousand journeys could not cover the magic and finger-tingling excitement of its peoples and places.

As for Chinese people ... no written description could account for the immense satisfaction I get from simply walking in China and meeting Chinese citizens.

You never feel lonely in China. Strangers become pengyoumen [friends] at the drop of a hat.

No wonder Chairman Mao was inspired to work for the good of the common man, for in China humanity is displayed in all its generous proportions.

Zai jian

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