Thursday, February 7, 2008

Iemma's dilemma in the state of NSW

This Labor NSW government is in crisis. For the first time in my life I am contemplating, and I will if Iemma is left in charge of our state, a vote for the state coalition. NSW is in such a mess; Reba is critically hopeless and should never have been elected, let alone put in charge of our health; transport is something we avoid, like never travel by train if you're serious about getting anywhere on time; if you apply for a job with the NSW public service, like me, you can expect to wait almost a year before the state employers let you know if you have been selected for a job or not; I could go on and on but I am not usually given to long-winded letters ... so ... hypocrisy is just one in a litany of hiopeless cases we experience with the state government.

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