Wednesday, July 30, 2008

China kills its own citizens through pollution

I have been in China during the past four years and I suffered serious respiratory problems with each stay. I was hospitalised twice due to lung infection. On return to Australia the first thing I noticed was blue sky. I have had no respiratory problems since coming home.
China has the world's worst air and the fact that hundreds of thousands of Chinese die from pollution derived causes should awaken Hu and Wen to this crisis.
Being at par with the industrialised West is no excuse for killing one's own citizens through greed and neglect.

China Daily

Bush and his criminal legacy

Bush? Bush? We won't remember this man's crimes after next year's inauguration. However, Bush has left a legacy of political intimidation, criminal war conduct and most importantly a legacy of lies. In Australia the word 'bush' ushers forth connotations of being lost, of being out of breath, of being unable to function properly, of having lost one's mind.

Bush? Bush?

China Daily

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sack Gallop

I grew up in the late forties and fifties and even shook the sweaty hand of Clive Churchill at Redfern Oval. I understand the essence of League. I played International Rugby. I understand that game too. What I do not understand is the fact that Gallop has allowed League to become the joke it is now. All he can do after a farce has become obvious is to waffle about how hard it is for him in his job. My solution: hand the reins to me or to Gus Gould or to the grocer down the road; all of us could do a better job than Gallop.

As I wrote yesterday in this paper: Sack Gallop!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Slater's headbutt

help. news @ news. com. au

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show details 07:43 (26 minutes ago)

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There was no head butt. The only head butt was the thing on Slater's shoulders that reminds us of some ugly butt.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008


Sari Songster (Tis madness to cry)
[ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Date Posted: Fri, Jul 18 2008, 05:52:33am
In reply to: DomainSpy 's message, " domain name expiration (days are numbered!!)" on Tue, Jul 15 2008, 07:42:33am

Wantoks Forum
PNG Itself

Is the demise of the Scape
a portent for PNG itself?

Is our land dying?
Is our nation dying?

What can we hang on to
when we drown
in this puddle of corruption
of disease
of the mind and body

Is there hope for us?
Is there a chance for us?

Do we have what it takes?
Are we strong enough to change?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oz: The Insensitive Nation

Australia has developed into one of the world's most insensitive nations. The attitude of the haves against the have nots is immense and it's staggering to think that we all belong to the same Australia. Centrelink is a Gulag with a Stalinist mentality. The Job Network Members are crass greedy hypocritical organisations that have the most callous psyche that seems to say:'Stuff you!" to their clients. I bet the Tumut teacher didn't even look at the name while making the report. It was just routine.

help. news @ news. com. au

to me
show details 09:53 (5 hours ago)

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mugabe's love for terror


Read your excellent article in the Bangladesh news and was delighted that
this tyrant's reputation is not obscured by hyperbole.

I lived in Zimbabwe many years ago [I am Australian on my way to your country to assist in English teaching] and I had personal experience of Mugabe.

Mugabe was a freedom fighter with a difference. He earned his reputation among his troops by enjoying torture. Mugabe's favourite weapon was the humble pair of pliers. With these he would remove the lips of his victims and leave them to their fate.

One of my fellow workers, a female, obviously did not please Mugabe and he set upon her with his pliers and removed her lips. I found her in her home after she was missing for a few days. She told me what Comrade Mugabe did.

I am a socialist with very little liking for colonialism. What Mugabe did to his fellow Africans was sheer evil.

Maybe we might pass each other in the street one day in Dhaka?


Adrian Keefe
Exciting English
Language Training Institute

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

China's Olympics are for the Chinese Officials

help. news @ news. com. au

to me
show details 09:34 (53 minutes ago)

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China does not give a hoot for what the outside world thinks. They live in an incredibly artificial bubble of fantasy. It's not the average Chinese who deserves our contempt but the corrupt and pathetic officials who have gained their position through a career of lies, cheating and relying on privilege to get what they want. I've lived in China these past five years and it's getting worse as it becomes more capitalistic.

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Olympics: China deserves our contempt

China does not give a hoot for what the outside world thinks. They live in an incredibly artificial bubble of fantasy. It's not the average Chinese who deserves our contempt but the corrupt and pathetic officials who have gained their position through a career of lies, cheating and relying on privilege to get what they want. I've lived in China these past five years and it's getting worse as it becomes more capitalistic.

July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Police Culture nurtures the Bully

help. news @ news. com. au

to me
show details 15:38 (1 hour ago)

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The police in our state exist within a culture that has been nurtured by many a bully for many a year. I was a police officer many years ago and I finally had to leave the service because of the crude and anti-social attitude of the majority of my fellow police officers. I remember a bloke who went through training with me; he changed as he took on the role. He became a true idiot with a huge penchant for bullying. When I went to work at the station I was embarrassed by the culture of thuggery that was elevated to position of canonisation, so to speak.
What can you do? The top cops have been in the system for most of their career and it is unlikely that many of them could avoid being 'cultured'.

To view your comment online go to:,,23990941-5012657,00.html

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NSW Police Bully Culture

The police in our state exist within a culture that has been nurtured by many a bully for many a year. I was a police officer many years ago and I finally had to leave the service because of the crude and anti-social attitude of the majority of my fellow police officers. I remember a bloke who went through training with me; he changed as he took on the role. He became a true idiot with a huge penchant for bullying. When I went to work at the station I was embarrassed by the culture of thuggery that was elevated to position of canonisation, so to speak.
What can you do? The top cops have been in the system for most of their career and it is unlikely that many of them could avoid being 'cultured'.

Telegraph July 10, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wesley Employment Casino: HYPOCRITICAL

Wesley Employment

Walker Street



Julie Rowling

Alison Kaihau

There are certain anomalies extant within your work environment that impact upon your clients. These anomalies seem to be at variance with the stated aim of the JNM

System set up by the Howard government over a decade ago. They also lie, unfortunately, at the heart of perceptions of JNMs by the Australian public.

Your Mission statement implies welfare and employment. Many times these social aspects lie in contradistinction and you at Mission Employment Casino exemplify this.

My wife is your client. She is a licensed real estate agent with qualifications in property valuation and agency. She is studying for her Stock and Station Agent’s license that will allow her to actively market rural properties. At the moment she can only deal with properties 20 acres and under. You know this at Wesley Casino. You know we live 60km from Casino at Tabulam.

Yet you marketed her to a retailer of mobile phones, a technology that my wife had never even held in her hand. She had never touched a mobile phone previously. The employer wanted suitable applicants, but, as Centrelink subsequently stated, my wife had neither sales nor the technological expertise to fulfil the employer’s requirements.

The subsequent events are interesting in that they display the above-mentioned anomalies. I decided that my son, who worked at WOW telecommunications and was actively seeking employment in our area, was fit for this job. So I told him and gave him the details of the One Zero employer.

My wife and son attended interviews with One Zero and ultimately my son got the job. Consequently Wesley Employment sharply remonstrated with my wife as if she were a child rather than a 52 years old mother of five. You were concerned that you had lost the commission/remuneration for successful emplacement of job seekers with employers. You upbraided my wife for passing the One Zero information to our son. She told you that it was I who gave away the information, akin to some tawdry spy novel, so to speak.

Without extending the details, it is necessary to remind you that you advised my wife that she would be breached but that it took three breaches to affect her job search allowance. However, we discovered that her payment had been stopped. It was necessary to call Centrelink to have the matter dealt with. As it was a long weekend we were without income for five days. When my wife called Centrelink she was informed:

1. She should not have been designated the One Zero job for application due to not being sufficiently qualified for the position

2. She did not deserve to be breached and that Wesley had acted without basis.

Without a shred of apology Wesley again upbraided my wife, this time for bringing Wesley into disrepute with Centrelink! The attitude springing from the wells of Wesley said it all; only the client could be wrong, not the JNM.

It may be remembered that a similar occurrence involved me and Wesley. Wesley listed a job for Casino Centre and I applied. I had no JSN so Wesley did not proffer my application as there was no reward in it for them should my application be successful. However, in the true spirit of the Job Network, Wesley provided the avenue along which I was to individually apply for the job.

This is in stark contrast to the kerfuffle Wesley produced in the One Zero affair.

The other aspect that causes us concern is the matter of the program for job preparation which you designated my wife to attend from next Monday [7/7/08]. Unbeknown to my wife she accepted the invitation [Wesley ‘nominated’ my wife for the course] to attend. However, I had arranged an appointment with a hernia surgeon in Brisbane for next week and I needed the car.

My wife explained this to Wesley and you know how you reacted; with extreme scepticism! You nailed my wife to a badge of dishonesty. You demanded that she produce my doctor’s certificate to prove that she was not lying.

This is the greatest insult you could have bestowed upon my wife. Without reference to the humiliating manner of your approach to my wife in the time she has been your client, I view this latest episode with contempt for Wesley Employment.

Let us go beyond the incident into the rationale you had produced to legitimise your behaviour; when you explained to my wife the reason for her needing to attend the course next week you told her she lacked confidence and that the course was designed to enable her to seek work with confidence. Remember you are talking to a 52-year-old mother of five! You portrayed my wife as something less than what she is in order to coerce her into attending your course.

On the other hand you conducted her interview for a position as a consultant with Wesley Casino, told her beforehand that the interview would last 30 minutes, and elongated the interview to one hour. You actually congratulated her for attaining the interview [her application had been her unaided work]. Furthermore, you phoned my wife to let her know she had been unsuccessful, although she had conducted a very good interview and had made Wesley’s job difficult in deciding the result.

This is known in parlance as anomalous behaviour.

You pressured my wife with the admonition that ‘your husband should understand that you have obligations to Wesley and that his income is dependent on your maintaining your obligations to Wesley’. You were implying/stating that you would breach again if your will were not to be fulfilled. It had become a contest, a desperate effort on Wesley’s part to compel my wife into submission. Wesley had lost sight of the fact that its own existence was to serve the disadvantaged; its raison d’etre had become its sole objective, to maintain its own existence.

For want of some Wesleyan imperative, you demanded that my wife produce my doctor’s certificate. This, you may know, is an illegitimate action in that you have no authority to demand from a third person with whom you have no contract or obligatory relationship.

For your record, I had a hernia operation exactly a year ago. It was not successful. I need a repair operation and the hernia centre in Sunnybank [Brisbane] is where I shall be repaired. My wife has been attending my extreme discomfort for a year and I have been heavily reliant upon her for pain relief. It has not been easy on her.

Also for the record: I was a JNM manager and I set up my branch in Inverell some years ago with what was considered to be energy, humour and an empathetic display of concern for the disadvantaged. My wife also worked as a consultant with a JNM and we are therefore equipped somewhat to an understanding of how you at Wesley operate.

If you want some document from me then you will have to approach me rather than to use your office and the threat of breach to coerce my wife into submitting the document.

If you paid heed to research on JNMs you may just realise the extent to which you contribute to social anxiety and depression. You skate on a thin edge of propriety at Wesley Casino, as do so many other JNMs.


Hi Janelle Saffin
I have reviewed today's news and the Rudd-slide [my term] in opinion polls. This is to be expected as you install repairs to Oz in the wake of Howard's disastrous years.
I had written to you while you were campaigning and your office responded with such comradery. I was impressed and with hope that at least my small section of relevance may at some stage receive some attention.
But I realise I am not the only punter in your corner. However, I would fail in my care for my wife and family were I to not contact you again on this same matter: Job Network Members.
I have attached my letter to the manager of Wesley Uniting Casino. Together with my previous attachment to you [on JNMs] you may gather enough to see where we unemployed face the cold grunt of failure.
I am now almost 64 years of age and I am still applying for over 20 jobs per week. I don't see why we should continue to cop crap from ignorant mercenaries within the JNM.
Adrian Keefe
3 Grafton St
Tabulam 2460
02 6666 1428

Wesley Employment Casino: SHAME!!!!!!!!

Hi Janelle Saffin MP
Further to my earlier email to you re JNMs ... my wife, about whom my letter to Wesley Employment, Casino, was focused, has been diagnosed with
heart valve problems, and severe depression due to unreasonable pressure and dominance from Wesley Employment, Casino.
My wife, Caron, has received a two month medical certificate to this effect. She is due to further medical heart specialist consultation in Lismore later in the year.
I have just been enlightened as to the personal treatment administered to my wife by Wesley Employment, Casino. I knew she was having professional hassles with them but the personal
behaviour of their management and senior staff has shocked me.
A client walks along a narrow corridor to Wesley's enclave and enters a form of psychological submission as entry to the offices is made. This seems to affect some of the staff at Wesley for
it is hard to imagine such behaviour in a normal environment. My wife was literally stood over during a discussion with a senior consultant and had a finger waved in her face. My wife is nearly 53 years of age
and a professional in property.
These people have no idea of the effect they have upon the disadvantaged. Their Mission Statement is flouted as they pursue the commercial rather than the social aspects of joining job-seekers with employers.
They use their power to breach as tools of management. This is perhaps the foulest legacy of John Howard and it should not besmirch the good name of Kevin Rudd.
I think it is time to reorganise the ethos of these Job Network Members and, by association and ideology, DEWR itself.
My wife is two months away from finalising completely her real estate and property portfolio; she has been studying full and part time since 1996 and with each new diploma or advanced certificate
she thrusts herself into the market, and gets nowhere. So she gets stuck into a more advanced course and now she is not only a valuer and a licensed real estate agent but also soon to be a stock and station agent. That means that she can now sell
property over 20 acres and being a Tabulam person able to fully facilitate a real estate agency here in Tabulam. But Wesley ... no, they had their own agenda.
Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. If you look on JobSearch website you will see that Wesley Casino rates lowest by far in client satisfaction. And that's a government site! Please don't let this opportunity to slip away. It is an important aspect of our society and one that actually shames our nation.
Adrian Keefe
July 9, 2008

All about 7's SUNRISE

help. news @ news. com. au

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show details 12:18 (17 minutes ago)

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It's boring. It's trivial. It's not for me. I prefer the real sunrise with birds and fresh air.

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Friday, July 4, 2008


help. news @ news. com. au

to me
show details 15:38 (24 minutes ago)

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Manly. That's all that needs be said. MANLY!!!!!!!

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India represents the epitome of hypocrisy in that it insists it is not racist yet racism permeates the very veins of that awkward country. India stood at the forefront of anti-apartheid rhetoric while its own caste system had been the archetype for apartheid and the more contemporary ethnic cleansing.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mugabe has been a murderer for decades

If China knew the extent of Mugabe's reign of terror it would not hesitate to condemn the Zimbabwean leader. I cannot understand China's attitude on this matter. I understand the notion of non-interference but when political murder is as palpable as that in Zimbabwe delay in prosecuting the end of the terror is as contemptible as the murder itself.
Most of the nations that hold China in great Zun jing have condemned Mugabe. As I mentioned, if China realised how brutal Mugabe and his militia were it would not stand as close to the murderers as it now does.

China Daily
July 4th 08

RL Referee Tony Archer 'Fucking Cheat': Blocker Roach

I agree with Blocker. Any careful observer would not fail to notice the subconscious bias Archer displayed toward Maroons. With so much money involved with betting I would hazard a guess that Archer was crooked. What else could explain his actions. And why is that referees are not to be criticised when we can put garbage on politicians, judges, the Pope, and just about everyone else in society except for bloody RL referees?

Telegraph July 4 08