Sunday, November 16, 2008

G20 episode is a 'so what?' something

Kevin Rudd’s position vis a vis GW Bush and the G20 episode is a ‘so what?’ something, Malcolm. I don’t think any reasonable Australian would be too upset by such a pronouncement. Bush has been the worst thing to happen to the world since ... well, a long time, anyway. Bush has made so many gaffes that one more, even if made public by Rudd and The Australian, would only serve to reinforce public perceptions.
And I also am a bit miffed by the suggestion [made by you on Insiders yesterday] that Telegraph may not be considered erudite enough to be recipients of political handouts.
I hold a PhD and I am an avid reader of the Telegraph, mainly because it allows me a voice via comments such as you provide.

Adrian Caoimh of Tabulam NSW (Reply)
Mon 17 Nov 08 (05:34am)

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