Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Piers Ackerman knows a terrorist when he sees one

Oh I agree wholeheartedly, Piers ... Haneef had that look in his eye that told me he was as guilty as hell of being a bloody foreigner. I mean to say, gee, what is the world coming to when our former slaves are allowed to treat white people. You can see the bloke’s a darkie.
Kevin Andrews is a top bloke. You can tell that he’s as perspicacious as anyone else in John Howard’s line up of political superstars. Not a hint of deception; not a thread of dishonesty. His intelligence shines as a beacon for us all to follow in his path toward an Australia where only right-minded people can breathe the fresh Aussie air.
I watch you when you’re on 'Insiders', Piers, and I must admit you handle the ladies well. Your body language is a treat for us all. You have remarkably small and chubby hands for one who likes to meddle in murky waters. But your strength is easy to see in that you never budge from your point of view, irrespective of how heavily you are mocked by they who know you.

Adrian Caoimh of Tabulam NSW

Thu 02 Aug 07 (05:42am)

Lost in psycho-babble.

Piers Akerman
Thu 02 Aug 07 (06:06am)

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